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    Quote from: BobRay at Mar 02, 2011, 05:21 AM

    I think you’ll need to write your own snippet with its own internal iterator. You can send a comma-delimited list of the TV names and just iterate through them, adding to the output and, for every other one, adding the class name, using if($iterator%2). It will be a lot faster than using PHX. PHX conditionals are very slow and hog a lot of resources.

    It would look something like this

    [!Iterator? &specs=`Spec1,Spec2,spec3,Spec4`!]

    /*Iterator snippet */
    $allSpecs = explode(',', $specs);
    foreach($allSpecs as $spec) {
        $output .= '<li';
        if ($iterator%2) {
            $output .= ' class="even "';
        $iterator ++;
        $output .= '>[*' . $spec . '*]</li>' . "\n";
    return $output;

    Awesome solution, thank you!
    But I had to modify the snippet call and still use pxh inside it because I lost ability to check if the [*Spec1..2..*] exists. So I did:
    [!Iterator? &specs=`[*Spec1:isnot=``:then=`Spec1`:else=``*],[*Spec2:isnot=``:then=`Spec2`:else=``*],[*Spec3:isnot=``:then=`Spec3`:else=``*],[*Sepc4:isnot=``:then=`Spec4`:else=``*]`!]

    and in the snippet I check if Spec is not empty and if it doesn’t I check what description name Spec has and publish it in the same <li>:
    /*Iterator snippet */
    function description($anyspec)
        switch ($anyspec) {
        case 'Spec1':
            return "Mass";
        case 'Spec2':
            return "Weight";
        case 'Spec3_cost':
            return "Color";
        case 'Spec4':
            return "Smell";
    $allSpecs = explode(',', $specs);
    foreach($allSpecs as $spec) {
        $output .= '<li';
        if ($iterator%2) {
            $output .= ' class="even "';
        $iterator ++;
        $output .= '><table><tbody><tr><td class="title">'.description($spec).'</td><td class="body">[*' . $spec . '*]</td></tr></tbody></table></li>' . "\n";
    return $output;

    Everything works great! Thank you!
      • 3749
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      I’m glad it helped. FWIW, you can get the TV in code and check to see if it is empty in the snippet -- that would be faster. I just couldn’t remember how to do it in Evolution.
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