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    • 7434
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    Hi there

    Is it possible to calculate the difference between the creation date of a document and the current date? What i want to do is something like this :


    meaning if a document is 3 days old (or less) to show the new_chunk

    Thank is advance
      • 4172
      • 5,888 Posts
      you can do it with phx, but its a bit tricky and complicated. I would create a little snippet.
      this is not tested, but something like that should do it:

      //[!newOrOldDoc? &days=`3` &newchunk=`new_chunk` &oldchunk=`old_chunk`!]
      return time()-$modx->documentObject['createdon']<=86400*$days?'{{'.$newchunk.'}}':'{{'.$oldchunk.'}}';

      or if you want to use it in Ditto something like that:

      //[[newOrOldDoc? &timestamp=`[+createdon+]` &days=`3` &newchunk=`new_chunk` &oldchunk=`old_chunk`]]
      return time()-$timestamp<=86400*$days?'{{'.$newchunk.'}}':'{{'.$oldchunk.'}}';

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        • 7434
        • 24 Posts
        thank you for your reply

        i’m afraid i can’t make it work (or not sure how to use it)
          • 3749
          • 24,544 Posts
          Try this. Create a snippet called DaysOld and paste in the following code:

          /* DaysOld snippet */
          if (empty($oldChunk) || empty($newChunk)) {
             return "Can't find the chunks";
          $dateDiff    = $date1 - $date2; 
          $daysOld = floor($dateDiff/(60*60*24));
          return $modx->getChunk($daysOld <= $days? $newChunk : $oldChunk);

          Create two chunks called OldChunk and NewChunk with what you want to display (the names are case-sensitive so be careful to get them right).

          Where you want the chunk content to appear, put this snippet tag:

          [!DaysOld? &oldChunk=`OldChunk` &newChunk=`NewChunk` !]

          It defaults to 3 days, but you can send a &days parameter to change that. It rounds down when calculating the days. If you want to round up, use ceil() instead of floor() in the snippet.
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            • 7434
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            Thank you, it works just fine. I just have one more question

            When I call the snippet from the document page (content) or the document template everything works fine

            What if i want to show the chunks (old or new) from a ditto call? To be more specific, I have "product list" pages which they list the children documents with a ditto call : [[Ditto? &ordertBy=`menuindex DESC` &tpl=`ProductFloats`]]

            If I include the snippet to the ProductFloats chunk then it does not evaluate and always shows the OldChunk


            <div class="Outer">
            <div class="PSKUgr">[+SKU_GR+]</div>
            <div class="PName">[+pagetitle+]&nbsp;<a href="/[~[+id+]~]">+</a></div>
            <div class="PPhoto><a rel="lightbox[Grouped]" title="[+pagetitle+]" href="assets/images/products/[+SKU_EN+].jpg">[!thumb? &filename=`[+SKU_EN+].jpg` &newxsize=`185` &newysize=`135`!]</a></div>

            <!-- New Product Conditional Begin -->
            [!DaysOld? &oldChunk=`OldChunk` &newChunk=`NewChunk` !]
            <!-- New Product Conditional END -->

            Thanks again
              • 3749
              • 24,544 Posts
              Quote from: dimbouk at May 28, 2010, 07:02 AM

              What if i want to show the chunks (old or new) from a ditto call? To be more specific, I have "product list" pages which they list the children documents with a ditto call : [[Ditto? &ordertBy=`menuindex DESC` &tpl=`ProductFloats`]]

              If I include the snippet to the ProductFloats chunk then it does not evaluate and always shows the OldChunk

              That’s because it’s getting the createdon field from the doc with the ditto tag.

              I haven’t tried it, but I think you can add &created=`[+createdon+]` to the snippet tag and, in the snippet, change



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                • 7434
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                Thank again

                it works fine now smiley
                  • 3749
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                  I’m glad it worked for you. Thanks for reporting back. smiley
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