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    I’m developing a site that will contain news items and events. These are stored as resources within a certain resource container (two actually, one for news items and one for events). I wanted to use MM to streamline the creation of such resources so that only the required fields are displayed to non-administrator users.

    I found a tip on another post for making rules sensitive to the parent id:

    // Hides the field tvname for all docs whose parent isn’t id 28.
    if($content[’parent’] != 28){

    from: http://modxcms.com/forums/index.php/topic,40937.msg246803.html#msg246803

    However, that doesn’t work for a resource that has just been created because $content[’parent’] hasn’t been set yet.

    The parent id is obviously known - it is displayed on the resource’s page. So, I tracked down the manager code that generates the display of the resource parent and came up with this extended bit of code:

    $parentId == 0;
    if (isset($_REQUEST[’id’]))
    $parentId = $content[’parent’];
    elseif (isset($_REQUEST[’pid’]))
    $parentId = $_REQUEST[’pid’];

    if($parentId == <id of container>)
    ... conditional rules ...

    So, thought I’d share this with the community ... for two reasons ... someone else might find it useful, and so that experienced MODx developers out there can have a look at it and tell me if its ok smiley

