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    • 15082
    • 195 Posts
    I’m using the following ManagerMager rule:

    When editing a document I get the tags for the first given TV but not for the second.
    I’ve another rule like this, where it is the last TV out of three where the tags aren’t displayed...


    Another rule works fine, but I can’t see a difference:
      • 15082
      • 195 Posts

      Still not shure what this is... but it seems that it respects all given TVs but don’t shows all values entered in that TVs.

      I have two TVs that I want to have the tags displayed on ( [tt]mm_widget_tags(’bv.proj.det.Taetigkeiten1,bv.proj.det.Taetigkeiten2’);[/tt] ).
      Most of the tags are displayed but not all of them.
      Tested it: Only the tags entered in the first given TV are used to render the tags for both TV input fields.
      So if a tag is only unsed in the second TV, it never shows up in the tags list.

      Is there a limit or something other that could cause this behaviour?
      Is this the normal behaviour or is it me on the wrong way?

      All suggestions are welcome!

        • 15082
        • 195 Posts
        @Admins: figured out that this is an MM issue (first thought it was related to release 1.0.2) so please move this thread in the ManagerManager section - thanks!

        I found out that the beahviour I described above wasn’t new and that is is how the mm_widget_tags works by default.

        I’ve changed this behaviour for my needs by patching the [tt]tags.php[/tt] in [tt]assets/plugins/managermanager/widgets/tags/[/tt] as follows:
        // mm_widget_tags
        // Adds a tag selection widget to the specified TVs
        function mm_widget_tags($fields, $delimiter=',', $source='', $display_count=false, $roles='', $templates='') {
        	global $modx, $content, $mm_fields;
        	$e = &$modx->Event;
        	if (useThisRule($roles, $templates)) {
        		$output = '';
        		// if we've been supplied with a string, convert it into an array
        		$fields = makeArray($fields);
        		// And likewise for the data source (if supplied)
        		$source = (empty($source)?$fields:makeArray($source));
        		// Which template is this page using?
        		if (isset($content['template'])) {
        			$page_template = $content['template'];
        		} else {
        			// If no content is set, it's likely we're adding a new page at top level. 
        			// So use the site default template. This may need some work as it might interfere with a default template set by MM?
        			$page_template = $modx->config['default_template']; 
        		// Does this page's template use any of these TVs? If not, quit.
        		$field_tvs = tplUseTvs($page_template, $fields);
        		if ($field_tvs == false) {
        		$source_tvs = tplUseTvs($page_template, $source);
        		if ($source_tvs == false) {
        		// Insert some JS  and a style sheet into the head
        		$output .= "//  -------------- Tag widget include ------------- \n";
        		$output .= includeJs($modx->config['base_url'] .'assets/plugins/managermanager/widgets/tags/tags.js');
        		$output .= includeCss($modx->config['base_url'] .'assets/plugins/managermanager/widgets/tags/tags.css');
        		// Go through each of the fields supplied
        		foreach ($fields as $targetTv) {
        				$tv_id = $mm_fields[$targetTv]['fieldname'];
        				// Make an SQL friendly list of fields to look at:
        				//$escaped_sources = array();
        				//foreach ($source as $s) {
        				//	$escaped_sources[] = "'".$s."'";
        //changed by JUSI
        				$sql_sources = '';
        				$keys = array_keys($fields);
        				foreach ($keys as $key) {
        					if ($key > 0) {
        						$sql_sources .= ',';
        					$sql_sources .= implode(',',$source_tvs[$key]);
        //END changed by JUSI
        				// Get the list of current values for this TV
        				$sql = "SELECT `value` FROM ".$modx->getFullTableName('site_tmplvar_contentvalues')." WHERE tmplvarid IN (".$sql_sources.")";
        				$result= $modx->dbQuery($sql);
        				$all_docs = $modx->db->makeArray( $result );
        				$foundTags = array();
        				foreach ($all_docs as $theDoc) {
        					$theTags = explode($delimiter, $theDoc['value']);
        					foreach ($theTags as $t) {
        				// Sort the TV values (case insensitively)
        				uksort($foundTags, 'strcasecmp');
        				$lis = '';
        				foreach($foundTags as $t=>$c) {
        					$lis .= '<li title="Used '.$c.' times">'.jsSafe($t).($display_count?' ('.$c.')':'').'</li>';
        				$html_list = '<ul class="mmTagList" id="'.$tv_id.'_tagList">'.$lis.'</ul>';
        				// Insert the list of tags after the field
        				$output .= '
        				//  -------------- Tag widget for '.$targetTv.' ('.$tv_id.') --------------
        				// Initiate the tagCompleter class for this field
        				$output .= 'var '.$tv_id.'_tags = new TagCompleter("'.$tv_id.'", "'.$tv_id.'_tagList", "'.$delimiter.'"); ';
        	$e->output($output . "\n");

        My changes are marked with [tt]//changed by JUSI[/tt].
