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    • 24071
    • 14 Posts
    Hi all,

    I have designed a custom form and use a snippet to store the content in a folder called New. Users login at the frontend as webuser and create these documents.

    I completely fill the table row in the table used to store documents. Also the ID of the author and editor.

    When I submit a document from the backend the form properties do show the last editor based on te ID of the backend user.
    When I submit a document form the frontend it does not show the name of the last editor.

    It looks like the functionality is not looking up the name of web users. Am I right or am I doing something wrong?

    I tried setting a positive ID and a negative ID for the web autor. Both result in ().
      === Don’t forget to smile ===
    • Hmmm... very odd. Perhaps a code sample would be helpful in determining the solution.
        Ryan Thrash, MODX Co-Founder
        Follow me on Twitter at @rthrash or catch my occasional unofficial thoughts at thrash.me
        • 24071
        • 14 Posts
        Below is a code example I basically addapted from the newlisting sniplet. I also tried it by setting the createdby and editedby to a negative id.

        The folder is created, but viewing the properties in readmode, below de heading Changes I see: Created: 15/01/06 11:13:55 ()

        //Create the folder
        $template_folder = $fid;
        $flds = array(
           'pagetitle'     => $row['author'],
           'longtitle'     => 'Content for '.$row['author'],
           'description'   => 'Content for '.$row['author'],
           'alias'         => str_replace( ' ', '', $row['author'] ),
           'parent'        => $id_container,
           'createdon'     => time(),
           'createdby'     => $modx->getLoginUserID(),
           'editedon'      => '0',
           'editedby'      => $modx->getLoginUserID(),
           'published'     => '1',
           'deleted'       => '0',
           'hidemenu'      => '1',
           'menuindex'     => 0,
           'isfolder'      => '1',
           'template'      => $template_folder
        $rid = $modx->db->insert($flds,$modx->getFullTableName('site_content'));
        $user_id_folder  = $modx->db->getInsertId();
          === Don’t forget to smile ===