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  • Does anybody know if its possible to resize an existing tab such as the General tab? - or set which tab has the default focus?

    When I move some TVs and rename a couple of the default fields in the General tab everything becomes squashed like this:

    Although when I create a new tab, using
    mm_createTab('Show Information','shows',$all_roles,$shows_tpl, '', '600');
    giving it a width of 600 and then move the TVs and default fields there the tab’s content area isn’t squashed:

    The main reason I’m looking to do this is that when the client edits a document and you’ve hidden the General tab it seems the hidden tab is selected by default and the client then has to click the new Show Information tab, which can be confusing:

    I hope that’s clear smiley any help would be appreciated
      MODX Ambassador for Thailand. Managing Director at Monogon, a web design and development studio based in Bangkok, Thailand. - Follow me on Twitter.