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    Is it possible? For instance, I’d like my tabs to appear in this order:
    General - Page Settings - My Tab 1 - My Tab 2 - META Keywords - Preview

    I didn’t see anything in the docs. Any guidance would be appreciated. smiley
      Server: *nix, ModX Evo 1.0.4, Apache 2.x, PHP 5.x, Mysql 5.x.
    • Place the order of the rules in the order you want them to appear:

      For example:
      //Image Tab
      mm_createTab('Page Image', 'pimage', '', '', '<p>Select the Image for this Page here.</p><p> </p>', '100%');
      mm_moveFieldsToTab('tvimage', 'pimage');
      //SEO Tab
      mm_createTab('SEO', 'seo', '', '', '<p>Input keywords and a description for this page.</p><p>If the page content changes frequently or is very important, change sitemap fields appropriately.</p><p><strong>Note</strong>: Do not rank all your pages as important your SEO will suffer.</p><p> </p>', '100%');
      mm_moveFieldsToTab('tvseokeywords,tvseodescription,tvsitemap_changefreq,tvsitemap_exclude,tvsitemap_priority', 'seo');
      //Quotation Tab
      mm_createTab('Quotation', 'quote', '', '', '<p>Enter the quotation and source for this page here.</p><p> </p>', '100%');
      mm_moveFieldsToTab('tvquotation,tvquotationsource', 'quote');

      If I move the //Image Tab rule beneath SEO and Quotation it will appear after them but it appears that all of them appear after the default tabs so you’ll probably have to hide META Keywords and create your own version. Preview, I’m not so sure.