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    • 22851
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    I am currently experiencing a problem with managermanager (v0.3.2) whereby renames and hides applied to the show_in_menu field appear to be being applied to the menuindex field. Has anyone else experienced this?

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      • 21056
      • 327 Posts
      Thanks, I’ll look into it...
        Author: ManagerManager plugin - customise your ModX manager interface

        Rckt - web development, Sheffield, UK
        • 16892
        • 107 Posts
        Has this issue been addressed? I am using the latest version and anything I apply to one, also applies to the other.
          • 21056
          • 327 Posts
          Can you confirm which versions of ModX and ManagerManager you are using, details of any other non-standard plugins you’ve installed, and also provide a copy of your ManagerManager rules - I can’t reproduce it here at the moment.
            Author: ManagerManager plugin - customise your ModX manager interface

            Rckt - web development, Sheffield, UK
            • 16892
            • 107 Posts
            Quote from: ncrossland at Sep 30, 2009, 08:04 AM

            Can you confirm which versions of ModX and ManagerManager you are using, details of any other non-standard plugins you’ve installed, and also provide a copy of your ManagerManager rules - I can’t reproduce it here at the moment.

            Modx: and

            NonStandard Plugins
            Pip (Pagination Plugin), will paginate a document when delimiter is found in the content.

            // variables -- creating a variable makes it easier to manage if this changes in the future
            $editors = '11,21,31';
            $bouleEditors  = '21,31';
            $bouleImageFields = 'tvbouleImage,tvbouleImageCaption,tvbouleImageName,tvimageFloat'; //tv names for boule image field
            $galleryAccessDenied = '7851'; // denies access to the backend manager doc
            //deny access to root folders
            // mm_widget_accessdenied($ids, $message, $roles);
            $editorMessage = 'You may not edit the contents of this page.';
            mm_widget_accessdenied('7921,7711,7721,7701,7731,8211', $editorMessage, $editors);
            // News editors role
            mm_hideFields('tvmeta,tvcss,tvbasehref,tvtplGreekHeader,tvjavascript,tvfirstColumn,tvsecondColumn,tvthirdColumnPublic,tvthirdColumnPrivate,tvsetBoule,tvsetMemberBoule,tvmemberBoule,tvsecondColumnContent,tvbouleNewsCat,tvcolorContentType,tvsectionTitle,tvEncryption,tvMintTracking,tvmenuSidenav,tvMenuStart,tvSubMenuStart,menutitle,link_attributes,description,which_editor,is_folder,is_richtext,log,cacheable,clear_cache', $editors,'');
            mm_renameTab('settings', 'Publication Settings', $editors );
            //mm_synch_fields('pagetitle,menutitle,longtitle', $editors );
            mm_renameField('longtitle','Headline', $editors , '', 'This will be displayed at the top of each page');
            mm_changeFieldHelp('parent', 'To move this story to a different folder: Click this icon to activate, then choose a new folder in the tree on the left.', '', $news_tpl);
            mm_hideTemplates('0,7,8,71,81,10,41,31,9,6,21,5,3,61,4,91,101,111,121,131,141', $editors , '11,51');
            mm_hideTemplates('0,7,8,11,71,81,10,41,31,9,6,21,5,3,61,4,91,51,101,111,131', $editors , '121,141');
            mm_hideFields('tvsubMenuTitle,tvEncryption', $editors, '11,51');
            mm_hideSections('tvs', $editors, '11,51,121,141');
            //boule editor permissions
            //mm_createTab($name, $id, $roles, $templates, $intro, $width);
            //mm_moveFieldsToTab($fields, $newtab_id, $roles, $templates);
            mm_createTab('Image', 'bouleImg', $bouleEditors, '121', '<p style="margin-bottom:.75em;">Choose an image for the article and add a caption and name.</p>', '100%');
            mm_moveFieldsToTab($bouleImageFields, 'bouleImg', $bouleEditors, '121,141');
            // News story template
            $news_tpl = '10';
            mm_createTab('Categories','HrCats', '', $news_tpl, '', '600');
            mm_moveFieldsToTab('tvnewsbigimage', 'general', '', $news_tpl);
            mm_changeFieldHelp('longtitle', 'The story\'s headline', '', $news_tpl);
            mm_changeFieldHelp('introtext', 'A short summary of the story', '', $news_tpl);
            //mm_hideFields('show_in_menu', '', $news_tpl);
            //backend maxigallery manager
            //mm_widget_mg_backend_manager($docid, $title , $roles, $templates);
            mm_widget_mg_backend_manager('7851', 'Manage Photo Gallery', '', '141');
            //mm_widget_mg_backend_manager($docid, $title , $roles, $templates);
            //mm_inherit($fields, $roles, $templates);
            mm_inherit('tvcss', $bouleEditors, '141');
            // For everyone
            mm_changeFieldHelp('alias', 'The URL that will be used to reach this story. Only numbers, letters and hyphens can be used');
            mm_createTab('Document Settings', 'docsettings', '', '0,7,8,71,81,10,41,31,9,6,21,5,3,61,4,91,101');
            mm_moveFieldsToTab('tvcolorContentType,tvsectionTitle,tvEncryption,tvMintTracking,tvmenuSidenav,tvMenuStart,tvSubMenuStart', 'docsettings', '', '');
            mm_createTab('Image and Caption', 'imgcat', '', '7,11,91');
            mm_moveFieldsToTab('tvFeatureImage,tvfeatureImageThumb,tvfeatureImageCaption,tvfeatureImageTitle,tvfeatureImageBoule,tvimageFloat', 'imgcat', '', '');
            mm_createTab('Calendar','cal', '', '7,11,21,91,121,141', '<p style="margin-bottom:.75em;">Click the calendar icon to choose a date.</p>', '100%');
            mm_moveFieldsToTab('tvStartTime,tvEndTime', 'cal', '', '');
            mm_createTab('Categorize', 'newscat', '', '7,11,91');
            mm_moveFieldsToTab('tvnewsCatOptions,tvBOULES', 'newscat', '', '');
            //web links
            //mm_widget_weblink($roles, $templates);
            mm_widget_weblink('', '');
            // For everyone except administrators
            mm_hideFields('link_attributes,tvEncryption', '!1');
              • 1611
              • 591 Posts
              Yes, I’m confirm too. MM links together both field show_in_menu and menuindex.

              Because in Manager code this buttons is on nested table in one top <tr style="height: 24px;">, and after hiding one field MM hides top <tr style="height: 24px;"> so second field also hiding.

              So, we need to change MM behavior to meke it hide only <td> in nested <table> not top <tr style="height: 24px;">

              ( I use modx )