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    I’ve just upgraded to and consequently, downloaded and installed the Doc Finder Module (1.5). I’ve followed all instructions, but when I go to the module tab and select Doc Finder, it *outputs* the actual php code from the index.php file in the assets/modules/docfinder/ directory.

    This is what this looks like:

    [tt]4) date_default_timezone_set("Europe/Berlin"); // load Theme as seen in Doc manager $tb_prefix=$modx->db->config[’table_prefix’]; $theme=$modx->db->select(’setting_value’, ’`’ . $tb_prefix . ’system_settings`’, ’setting_name=\’manager_theme\’’, ’’); $theme=$modx->db->getRow($theme); $theme=($theme[’setting_value’] <> ’’) ? ’/’ . $theme[’setting_value’] : ’’; // load text direction as seen in Doc manager if(isset($modx->config[’manager_direction’])) $dir=($modx->config[’manager_direction’] == ’rtl’ ? ’dir="rtl"’ : ’’); else $dir=""; // load lang as seen in Doc Manager $lang=$modx->config[’manager_language’]; // define search places $id="DocAndTVV"; $name="Documents"; $searchPlacesArray[$id].....[[/tt]

    Has anyone seen this before?
      • 29076
      • 615 Posts
      Yes here. It seems that the Doc Finder and MODx don’t work so well together.  smiley At least not in my case. I haven’t been able to find out what’s wrong yet.
        I think, thererfor I am! But what I am, and why...?
        • 26482
        • 138 Posts
        Thanks. It helps to know I’m not alone grin
          • 7231
          • 4,205 Posts
          I just installed it in 0962 with no problem.

          It seems that the code is breaking for you after the php version check. What do you get as a result for intval(substr(phpversion(), 0, 1));
            [font=Verdana]Shane Sponagle | [wiki] Snippet Call Anatomy | MODx Developer Blog | [nettuts] Working With a Content Management Framework: MODx

            Something is happening here, but you don&#39;t know what it is.
            Do you, Mr. Jones? - [bob dylan]
            • 26482
            • 138 Posts
            Quote from: dev_cw at Sep 18, 2008, 12:12 PM

            I just installed it in 0962 with no problem.

            It seems that the code is breaking for you after the php version check. What do you get as a result for intval(substr(phpversion(), 0, 1));

              • 3785
              • 143 Posts
              Hello everyone,

              strange behavior indeed. It looks like the PHP code is not executed but displayed as plain text. Sylvaticus, you had this problem with one installation of too, isn’t it? Did you find a solution?

                Medianotions – Studio für Webdesign
                • 28042 ☆ A M B ☆
                • 24,524 Posts
                It looks to me like a line ending problem (which will depend on the platform the item was written and archived on); I’ve had this happen before in .php files and .js files. The files had no line endings (or at least the platform the script is running on doesn’t recognize whatever is there), so everything got run together, including single-line comments (in effect, the first single-line comment never ends, so the entire rest of the script is one big comment). In my case, it was a configuration of my FTP client. I’m using a different client now, and haven’t had it happen for a long time.

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                  • 3785
                  • 143 Posts
                  That’s an excellent tipp Susan, thanks! Maybe a reason not to use single-line comments for distributed code?

                  @sderuiter: Is it a windows machine you tried to install Doc Finder on?
                    Medianotions – Studio für Webdesign
                    • 26482
                    • 138 Posts
                    Quote from: Bogdan at Oct 02, 2008, 04:27 PM

                    That’s an excellent tipp Susan, thanks! Maybe a reason not to use single-line comments for distributed code?

                    @sderuiter: Is it a windows machine you tried to install Doc Finder on?

                    No, a Solaris machine (or so I’m told). It’s running on a Shared Accelarator from Joyent.
                    I did download the package onto an XP machine, unpacked in there and uploaded it using FIlezilla to the server.

                      • 22303 MODX Staff
                      • 10,725 Posts
                      Quote from: Bogdan at Oct 02, 2008, 04:27 PM

                      Maybe a reason not to use single-line comments for distributed code?
                      Excellent point Bogdan.  Sounds like a new contribution rule in the making...