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  • I am having a very odd problem with IE (6) and dropdown menus. The first page drops down just fine. But inner pages, using the same template, don’t drop down. Anybody have any ideas why it might be doing that? (besides just being IE, that is) The only difference is the divs have different IDs, and the submenu’s ULs have different heights in the css file. huh

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      I guess you’re talking about this :

      <!--[if lte IE 6]>
        <style type="text/css" media="screen, tv, projection">
              body { behavior: url(assets/js/csshover.htc); } /* hover:anything support */
              #content { margin-left: 22px; } /* to avoid the BMH */
              a,  a:link { border-bottom-style: solid } /* becuase IE just doesn't dot */
        <script type="text/javascript" src="assets/js/sleight.js"></script>

      I had strange problems also with IE, for instance link with text-decoration: none being underlined with a 3px black line, an image with border: none being underlined with a 1px blue line... I was unable to fix it.

      I can’t show the page to you since I dropped the code from my header altogether and chose to have a specific stylesheet for IE...
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