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    I am trying to create some snippets that will make many different API calls to another system (piwik if you must know)
    I am therefore looking to implement some sort of caching on these pages to relieve the load. I would like the cache to update every hour (either via a cron or the first user to hit the page).

    Can I use the internal modx caching system for this sort of thing?
    If yes, is it recommended?

    I have been looking at other Caching systems, Memcached looked good, but maybe a bit complex to setup, I then came across this interesting project called CachCore


    It’s a part of the Amazon Tarazan PHP toolkit (tarzan-aws.com - from the makers of simplepie) and the implementation seems fairly straight forward and is well documented.
    Does anyone have any experience with implementing CachCore / Memcached or other caching systems with Modx?

    I have read about xPDO and Revolutions caching system but could not find much about the current Evo version. I am also pretty new to the caching idea so please excuse any ignorance!
    • If you’re wanting to extend the caching system, you should certainly use Revo. It’s had a tremendous amount of work on the caching system done and can cache in all sorts of ways. If you are using Evo/096x, then create a plugin that checks to see when the last cache clearing was and reclear at the right time.
        Ryan Thrash, MODX Co-Founder
        Follow me on Twitter at @rthrash or catch my occasional unofficial thoughts at thrash.me