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    I have my login setup with user registration.

    I have done a test user and the activation email is sent to the user. When I click on the link in the email it doesn’t take me to the right page. Below is my setup.

    Can someone give me an idea as to what is wrong?

    Resource ID for registration page is 221
    Resource ID for activation page is 222
    Resource ID for login page 208

    Activation Page code
        &activationEmailSubject=`Thanks for Registering!`
        &successMsg=`Thanks for registering!`
    <div class="register">
        <div class="registerMessage">[[+error.message]]</div>
        <form class="form" action="[[~[[*id]]]]" method="post">
            <input type="hidden" name="nospam:blank" value="" />
            <fieldset class="registerFieldset">
    <label for="username">[[%register.username? &namespace=`login` &topic=`register`]]<span class="error">[[+error.username]]</span> </label>
    <input type="text" name="username:required:minLength=6" id="username" value="[[+username]]" />
    <label for="password">[[%register.password]]<span class="error">[[+error.password]]</span></label>
    <input type="password" name="password:required:minLength=6" id="password" value="[[+password]]" />
    <label for="password_confirm">[[%register.password_confirm]]<span class="error">[[+error.password_confirm]]</span></label>
    <input type="password" name="password_confirm:password_confirm=`password`" id="password_confirm" value="[[+password_confirm]]" />
    <label for="fullname">[[%register.fullname]]<span class="error">[[+error.fullname]]</span></label>
    <input type="text" name="fullname:required" id="fullname" value="[[+fullname]]" />
    <label for="email">[[%register.email]]<span class="error">[[+error.email]]</span></label>
    <input type="text" name="email:email" id="email" value="[[+email]]" />
            <br class="clear" />
            <div class="form-buttons">
                <input type="submit" name="registerbtn" value="Register" />

    Activation Email Code
    <p>Thanks for registering! To activate your new account, please click on the following link:</p>
    <p><a href="[[+confirmUrl]]">[[+confirmUrl]]</a></p>
    <p>After activating, you may login with your password and username:</p>
    Username: <strong>[[+username]]</strong><br />
    Password: <strong>[[+password]]</strong></p>
    <p>If you did not request this message, please ignore it.</p>
    <p>Thanks,<br />
    <em>Site Administrator</em></p>
    • This may have been fixed in a recent commit: https://github.com/splittingred/Login/commits/develop

      If not please open an issue on GitHub.
        Ryan Thrash, MODX Co-Founder
        Follow me on Twitter at @rthrash or catch my occasional unofficial thoughts at thrash.me