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    Great explanation. Do you mind if I steal some of it for a tutorial at Bobs Guides?
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    • Go for it Bob, glad it is of use. smiley
        Helen Warner
        Number one pixel!
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        Quote from: BobRay at Jan 10, 2011, 03:50 AM

        Did you notice that there are two parts to the plugin? This part:

        if ($mode == modSystemEvent::MODE_UPD) {
            if ( ! $user->get('active') && $_POST['active'] ) { 
                $email = $_POST['email']; 
                /* Code to Send email goes here */

        And the part that sends the email (which gets pasted exactly where the comment is)? I pasted both from working code, although It’s possible that something has changed in newer releases of 2.x.

        Yes. I both noticed and understood from the beginning. When I didn’t see happening what I expected to, I eventually used just the above piece of code. Since it logs a manager action, then I’d be able to see that and know if I was buggering things up. I did NOT see any entries created in the manager log, hence my question. I’ll perhaps try experimenting a bit more, but this isn’t critical functionality for me.

        On a positive note: News Publisher is! The concept is great (similar to what attracted me to Drupal before its bloat and poor performance turned me off).