this must be a silly question but i’m trying to implement weblogin in a evo 1.0.4 website (as it’s still in the snippets) and when looking at the source code when the login form is in the page i get action="/minimal-base" !? well, i tried &action=`#` in the snippet call but nothing changes, could someone give me some track to understand where to change this (i have seen the clue in the snippet comments)
or, maybe it just means that i should not use weblogin in evo but weblogin PE... ?
thanks for any idea
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☆ A M B ☆
- 24,524 Posts
It’s in the form tag; you can use your own chunk tpl for the form and have it be anything you want. The [+action+] placeholder used in the default form uses the current resource’s ID or alias to generate the form’s action attribute.
The way I do it is to create the new chunk and simply copy/paste the default form (taken from the end of the assets/snippets/weblogin/weblogin.inc.php file), set the &tpl= parameter in the snippet call to match my chunk, test to make sure it works the same, then I edit the chunk do as I wish.
hi Susan,
thanks for your answer, i was forecasting doing something like that (or, even, rewriting the genuine tpl file) but was wondering if any action page would work. The other strange thing is that action="/minimal-base" standing for action="[+action+]" in a page that has its own template, name, alias and so on (sounds like it doesn’t found the page details)...
i’ll try rewriting it on my own, thanks for comforting me in that way of working which is always mine... (being a dev it’s hard to rely on something you don’t know exactly how it works...)
Have swing
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