Hi All
I have a severe Problem with Weblogin and PHx.
I am using a PHx call in my template changing two column layout to a three column layout if needed. Now in a page I need the WebLogin. But WebLogin somehow disables PHx, loading both templates at the same time. Anyone an idea how I could fix that?
My Templates looks like this
[+phx:if=`[*sidebar*]`:is=``:then=`<div id="wrapContent">
<div id="breadcrumb">[!Breadcrumbs? &homeId=`194` &showCrumbsAtHome=`0` &showHomeCrumb=`0` &titleField=`menutitle`!]</div>
<div id="cont2" class="group"><h1>[*longtitle*]</h1>[*content*]</div></div>`:else=`<div id="wrapContent">
<div id="breadcrumb">[!Breadcrumbs? &homeId=`194` &showCrumbsAtHome=`0` &showHomeCrumb=`0` &titleField=`menutitle`!]</div>
<div id="contLeft"><h1>[*longtitle*]</h1>[*content*]</div>
<div id="sidebar">[*sidebar*]</div></div>`+]
my system
Evo 1.0.4
weblogin as in evo 1.0.4
PHP 5.3.2
PHx 2.1.3
your Help is much appreciated