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    • 18913
    • 654 Posts
    There’s probably an easy answer to this, but for the life of me I can’t find it. Simply, put I’d like to be able to move the notification message that appears after a successful user registration using WebSignup. As it stands now, it appears after whatever content is prior to the snippet call on the document page. I’d like it to appear first, then have the document content displayed.

    Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can accomplish this? I thought I could use some styling to accomplish this, but for whatever reason I couldn’t get the righ combo of positioning arguments to work.

    Any thoughts would be appreciated!
      • 18913
      • 654 Posts
      The answer, Matt, is placeholders. Tho’ that requires editing one of the include files to set a placeholder equal to $output in one place for a new form and in the other place for a submitted form, tweaking the last line of the snippet, and actually placing the placeholders.