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    • 10152
    • 156 Posts

    I face a problem with WebLoginPE and webusers profile.

    They can edit their personnal profile at /mon-compte/ma-fiche (no custom fields).


    They can edit their skills at /mon-compte/mes-competences (custom fields and custom table).

    Php:skills:php:radio:Aucune connaissance(0),Notions(1),Avancé(2),Confirmé(3),Expert(4)||
    Css:skills:css:radio:Aucune connaissance(0),Notions(1),Avancé(2),Confirmé(3),Expert(4)||
    Html:skills:html:radio:Aucune connaissance(0),Notions(1),Avancé(2),Confirmé(3),Expert(4)||
    Javascript:skills:javascript:radio:Aucune connaissance(0),Notions(1),Avancé(2),Confirmé(3),Expert(4)`

    The problem is when saving their skills, it empties the personnal datas.

    After a search through the forum i couldn’t find any related topic.
    Is is possible to do what I want with WebLoginPe ?

    EDIT : maybe by populating hidden input field ? will require a lot of work if many, and would not be very clean .
      • 24958
      • 4 Posts
      Why not add the custom fields to the web_user_attributes_extended table? You can do that and use the following method listed below:


      This will keep their values when they edit (profile).

      Hope this helps.
        • 10152
        • 156 Posts
        Thanks, I read the link but i have not found the solution to this problem.

        After a long struggle it only could work by placing hidden tags, at least it works !