I’m not currently able to logout from my site, but login works fine.
I’m using the sample WebLoginSideBar chunk and this is the call in my template:
[!WebLogin? &tpl=`WebLoginSideBar` &loginhomeid=`[(site_start)]` &logouthomeid=`2`!]
When I click the logout link, it calls for the current page and appends ’?webloginmode=lo’ to the URL but nothing else happens.
What am I missing here?
MODX Staff
- 10,725 Posts
What is supposed to happen when the user logs out? Page supposed to change? Did you set the pages uncached so different user permissions can get different results?
The page is supposed to change, and the login box is supposed to appear again. Instead the ’Logout’ link keeps showing.
All pages are currently uncached.
same problem here. Any solutions/suggestions?