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    Hi everybody,
    I added the weblogin and websignup to my testsite. I also added the editprofile thing from susan ottwell.
    But I have no clue how to get that to work right.
    A user can sign up and login and I do have the link to the edit profile page, but I don’t know what to put on that page for a snippet? If a user is logged in and wants to edit his profile, how do i redirect them to the profile page?
    I have this on the page:
    <!-- log out hyperlink section --><a class="button" href="[~62~]">Edit Your Profile</a><br />
    <a class="button" href="[+action+]">[+logouttext+]</a> 

    So the user goes to the profile page(62). But how do I get it, that there on the profile page is displayed his profile and he can edit it?