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    • 28792
    • 7 Posts
    In IE I get this php text above the login form. I have no idea what is causing this to appear in IE only and I tried to even use the default snippet files.

    function getElementById(id){ var o, d=document; if (d.layers) {o=d.layers[id];if(o) o.style=o}; if (!o && d.getElementById) o=d.getElementById(id); if (!o && d.all) o = d.all[id]; return o; } function webLoginShowForm(i){ var a = getElementById('WebLoginLayer0'); var b = getElementById('WebLoginLayer2'); if(i==1 && a && b) { a.style.display="block"; b.style.display="none"; document.forms['loginreminder'].txtpwdrem.value = 0; } else if(i==2 && a && b) { a.style.display="none"; b.style.display="block"; document.forms['loginreminder'].txtpwdrem.value = 1; } }; function webLoginCheckRemember () { if(document.loginfrm.rememberme.value==1) { document.loginfrm.rememberme.value=0; } else { document.loginfrm.rememberme.value=1; } } function webLoginEnter(nextfield,event) { if(event && event.keyCode == 13) { if(nextfield.name=='cmdweblogin') { document.loginfrm.submit(); return false; } else { nextfield.focus(); return false; } } else { return true; } } 

    Also, here is an image of what it looks like in IE.

      • 28792
      • 7 Posts
      Anybody know?
      • Looks like you have a corrupted file somewhere; it looks like the <script... opening tag is missing.
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