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    I need to prevent the same user to log in in different computer/browser at the same time. If a user is logged and someone else try to log in with the same login/passwd, the old session must be destroyed and only the last session is active. Ideally, the session variables are transfered to the new session.

    How can I do that with webloginpe ? I’ve tried to change the Authenticate function to retrieve the current session and regenerate a new session id with session_regenerate_id but it does not work. Any idea ?

    function Authenticate()
    	global $modx;
    	if (!empty($this->Report))
    		return; //There was an error in the last step
    	$web_users = $modx->getFullTableName('web_users');
    	$web_user_attributes = $modx->getFullTableName('web_user_attributes');
    	$authenticate = $this->OnWebAuthentication();
    	// check if there is a plugin to authenticate user and that said plugin authenticated the user
    	// else use a simple authentication scheme comparing MD5 of password to database password.
            if (!$authenticate || (is_array($authenticate) && !in_array(TRUE, $authenticate))){
             if ($this->LoginErrorCount == 1){
    // MODIFICATION : erase old session to avoid concurrent connections with same userid
        $oldSessionID = session_id($this->User['sessionid']);
    	$CurrentSessionID = session_id();
    	     $isNowWebValidated = $modx->db->query("UPDATE ".$web_user_attributes." SET `failedlogincount` = 0, `logincount` = `logincount` + 1, `lastlogin` = `thislogin`, `thislogin` = ".time().", `sessionid` = '".$CurrentSessionID."' where internalKey='".$this->User['internalKey']."'");
    	 // Flag the account as "Activated" by deleting the timestamp in `cachepwd`
    	 $cacheTimestamp = $modx->db->query("UPDATE ".$web_users." SET `cachepwd`='' WHERE `id`='".$this->User['internalKey']."'");

    Thanks in advance.