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    This is weird. OK, when using the &userList parameter, if I create more than two lists I get error output. I’m filtering on webgroups. Here’s my snippet call:

    [[WebLoginPE? &type=`manager` &manageDeleteTpl=`tplManageDeleteUser` &usersList=`fioles:tplManageWebUsersOuter:tplManageWebUsers:internalKey:ASC:webgroup(fioles)||dispill:tplManageWebUsersOuter:tplManageWebUsers:internalKey:ASC:webgroup(Dispill/Dosett)||Manrex:tplManageWebUsersOuter:tplManageWebUsers:internalKey:ASC:webgroup(Manrex)`]]

    What happens is that I get repeated output of the same user with the same webgroup assignment in all three outputs as per the snippet call- even though the web user isn’t a member of those groups. I’ve tried the snippet call uncached as well, same results.

    EVO 1.0.5