I have finally got WLPE to function with manual verification. There seems to be a lot of confusion as to which version of this snippet is current. The download located in MODx extras does not support the Pending Users function.
My current problem is as follows:-
1. User registers.
2. Admin receives an email notifying of new user with a link to my New User Approval page.
3. Admin clicks approve.
4. User is moved to the correct user group.
5. Email is sent to user with instruction on how to activate their account which include a url link to the activation page and a temporary password.
It is at 5 that the problems occur.
The call in the activation page is
[!WebLoginPE? &type=`simple` &activateTpl=`activate` &liHomeId=`86` ®HomeId=`89`&profileHomeId=`87` &loHomeId=`90` !]
The &activateTpl=`activate` is ignored and the default login template is used. This does not contain the hidden fields required for verification which I believe are:-
<input type="hidden" name="userid" value="[+request.userid+]" />
<input type="hidden" name="activationkey" value="[+request.activationkey+]" />
Also the url link contains &
Could someone let me know if there is a problem with the call I am making. I have looked through every post in this forum and there does not seem to be an answer. Some posts state that WebloginPE is a dead project, could do with having that confirmed or not as I do not wish to waste time if the snippet is no longer supported.
Any help would be greatly appreciated as I am close to giving up on this snippet.