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    • 12630
    • 22 Posts

    I am using the following call in my registration page:-

    [!WebLoginPE? &type=`register` &regType=`pending` &registerTpl=`AtestRegTemp` &notifyTpl=`notifyMessage` &notifySubject=`AVIVA Academy registration - pending` &regSuccessId=`88` &groups=`Pending Users` &regSuccessPause=`0` &notify=`[email protected]` !]

    This creates the user and ads their data to ’Pending Users’. However, the ’login details’ email is still sent to the user. Clearly this should not be the case.

    I am using MODx 1.0.5 and WebloginPE 1.31. My server is running PHP5.2.14 and MySQL 4.1.25

    Any suggestions?

    Many of the other functions seem to work fine but ’Pending Status’ seems to be fundamental to having manual verification. If the user receives login details via e-mail there is no point in having manual verification. So I must be doing something incorrectly.


      • 12630
      • 22 Posts
      I have checked the files that are downloaded at http://modx.com/extras/package/webloginpe

      webloginpe.snippet.php in this download does not have the ’Pending Users’ code.

      The file on google wlpe131_with_instances3.zip does have the ’Pending Users’ code.

      I have uploaded the newer file to my server and this has resolved the registration details email being sent to the user before approval.

      However, on registration a new user is created but they are not placed in Pending Users. From looking through the forums this should be the default action when using &regType=`pending`.

      Have I understood this correctly? Is wlpe131_with_instances3.zip on google the correct download?

      Any help would be greatly appreciated.

