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    on registration I’m adding the username to a custom table named vrds_memberdata_2010. I’m using this snippet call:
    [!WebLoginPE? &lang=`de` &type=`register` &regType=`instant` &groups=`ZurBestaetigung` &liHomeId=`191` 
    &tableCheck=`0` &customTable=`vrds_memberdata_2010` &customFields=`username` &prefixTable=`0` &notify=`[email protected]` 
    &registerTpl=`memberRegisterInstantFormTpl` &notifySubject=`Anmeldung zur Freischaltung - VRdS Mitgliederbereich`!]

    This does work, but when a user registering is already listed in the vrds_memberdata_2010 table with his name (column named ’name’, the field ’username’ beeing empty), it seems not to work anymore. There’s no user added as new data row. Is it possible that WebLoginPE checks for ’duplicates’ with the same ’name’ and simply does nothing?

    How ist WebloginPE exactly doing inserts (and updates?) to custom tables? Thanks for hints!

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