Hi there,
I have two separate web users set up. Both associated with a different web user group, and that group is associated with two different resource groups. The security of the protected pages is working fine, as in, if I type the URL in for one of the protected page, and I’m not logged in, or I’m logged in as the wrong user, I get directed to the unauthorised user page.
The main menu of my site is being produced with Wayfinder. When a user logs in, I want any resources that they have access to, to display in the main menu. But the menu is acting very strangely. When logged in, it won’t show any of the protected resources on the home page, and when I click through pages on the site (which are available to all) it sometimes shows the protected resources, and sometimes shows different protected resources (although these cannot be accessed).
This is really odd.
If someone is able to lend a hand, I’d be happy to show you a live example.
Here’s is my WebLoginPE call:
[!WebLoginPE? &liHomeId=`72,1` &type=`simple` &disableServices=`profile,register,forgot` &loginFormTpl=`loginTpl` &successTpl=`logoutTpl` &loHomeId=`1` !]
And here is my template for the login form:
<div id="wlpeLogin">
<form id="wlpeLoginForm" action="[~[*id*]~]" method="POST">
<fieldset id="wlpeLoginFieldset">
<label id="wlpeUsernameLabel" for="wlpeUsername">Username:
<input size="15" id="wlpeUsername" type="text" name="username" />
<label id="wlpePasswordLabel" for="wlpePassword">Password:
<input size="15" id="wlpePassword" type="password" name="password" />
<!--<label id="wlpeStayLoggedInLabel" for="wlpeStayLoggedIn">Stay Logged In
<select id="wlpeStayLoggedIn" name="stayloggedin">
<option value="">No</option>
<option value="3600">1 Hour</option>
<option value="86400">1 Day</option>
<option value="604800">1 Week</option>
<option value="2678400">1 Month</option>
<option value="315569260">Forever</option>
<button type="submit" id="wlpeLoginButton" name="service" value="login">Login</button>
<!--<button type="submit" id="wlpeReminderButton" name="service" value="forgot">Forgot Password</button>
<button type="submit" id="wlpeRegisterButton" name="service" value="registernew">Register</button>-->