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    • 12661
    • 18 Posts
    I just installed WebloginPE version 1.3.0 with Evolution 1.0.2. My host is in Florida while I am on the West Coast. I adjusted for the time difference in my Tools > Configurations tab.

    When I successfully login using WebloginPE the [+user.lastlogin+] placeholder reports the last login time as being three hours ahead. What is the best way to fix the time difference?
      • 34162
      • 1 Posts
      Not sure if that would fix it but have you tried in manager >> tools >> configuration to adjust your "server offset time" ?
        • 10567
        • 6 Posts
        Has anyone solved this? I see other reports but can’t find any way to change the server offset - WLPE seems to ignore the site configuration server time offset setting. Is there an easy way to change the format/output of the whole user.lastlogin string?