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    • 3153
    • 12 Posts
    I experienced the same exact problem.

    I realized the source of the problem: if you change the "Prefix" field during installation, you’re pretty much hosed... (at least it seemed that way to me)

    (BTW, I also experienced the Safari crash in my first [maybe my first two...] attempt at installing MODx. I decided to use Firefox after that...)

    I had left the field blank.

    To solve the problem, I dropped the MODx database and did a clean reinstall of MODx.

    I can now happily say that at my third or fourth (?) installation attempt, I finally have MODx functioning correctly -- at least it seems that way for now...

    It does seem very nice, though... smiley
    • If everyone would use $modx->getFullTableName(table_name) when accessing the database in their snippet or module code, this would not be a problem.

      If you change your table prefix by renaming your database tables, or use a new database with a different table prefix, you need to edit the config.inc.php file to reflect your changes.
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        • 3153
        • 12 Posts
        The trouble, as I understand it (bear in mind that I’m entirely new to MODx, not experienced in CMS and not at all proficient with SQL), is that my tables did not use the mod_x prefix (because I chose to leave the field blank during installation, not knowing what it was for... so this was the configuration set in config.inc.php [no prefix]) but a rogue function was insisting on using the mod_x prefix (because it wasn’t doing the requisite call, as you specify -- again, if I understand things correctly).

        Since I didn’t (and still don’t) have much clue as to what files/lines I had to (should) edit to correct the rogue function(s), I had to reinstall, taking care of not touching the Prefix field... (So, yeah, to be gentle with newbies like me, in the future, try to use the requisite getFullTableName call... smiley)

        Anyway, those hurdles at least helped me familiarize myself a bit with some parts of MODx...
        • Berlueur,

          Welcome to MODx and glad that you were able to fight your way through it. If you ever run into something that you think would make MODx better, please look at our Bug, Feature and Support Request tracker do a quick review to see if somethings alread there and either add a comment and a vote or open a new request. (This forum is starting to get busy enough that it’s next to impossible to track everything here!)

          Hope you enjoy your stay. smiley
            Ryan Thrash, MODX Co-Founder
            Follow me on Twitter at @rthrash or catch my occasional unofficial thoughts at thrash.me