I have suddenly discovered that WebloginPE version 1.3.1 now has a working ’forgot password’ function which means that I can now implement this function on my website (it has 500+ members whose password I have to manually reset when they forget it.)
It works now just as I hoped apart from the following:
If a user enters an incorrect password, a message is displayed:
" Your password was incorrect.
Your Failed login count is 1. You will be blocked for 60 minutes for more than 3 failed attempts.
Please try again.
Perhaps you forgot your password?" (forgot is a hyperlink)
If doing this from page id=nn, The hyperlink on ’forgot’ points to: mymodxwebsite.co.uk/index.php?id=nn?service=forgot
and gives a page 404 error. This sounds as if some setting is incorrect. I would be happier if this hyperllink wasn’t there at all. How would I disable it or correct the problem?
Many thanks.
To simply edit it out go to .../snippets/webloginpe/lang/en.php and change the text at $wlpe_lang[20]. Pasting in the "Forgot password" button from the default template in place of the link seems to work though.