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    • 20079
    • 49 Posts
    Maybe someone can explain this:

    I have been playing with CMS for a while. I hate to wait 20min to upload unzipped dirs. I guess there are certain commands to unzip the archive on the FTP server. How would you do this?

    (Googled FTP commands, but all i get is Syntax error, command unrecognized.). I’m using CuteFTP

    Basiy this kind of stuff: What is it and how to do it?

    [tt]Unix Example
    $ cd $HOME
    $ mkdir g2data
    $ chmod 777 g2data

    Windows Example
    C:\> mkdir g2data[/tt]

    • You would actually have to FTP up the archive file (so much faster I agree!), and then ssh in to use the gunzip/unzip commands on your server. I have a sneaky suspicion you’ll like a trick we have coming down the pipe when it comes to installs in the hopefully next release. wink
        Ryan Thrash, MODX Co-Founder
        Follow me on Twitter at @rthrash or catch my occasional unofficial thoughts at thrash.me
        • 20079
        • 49 Posts
        Quote from: rthrash at Dec 27, 2005, 02:32 PM

        .. and then ssh in to use the gunzip/unzip commands on your server.

        Cool. Do you know HOW exactly to do that?
          • 33337
          • 3,975 Posts
          These are Unix/Linux commands, and can be used via SSH, SSH is a command line interface for *nix operating systems as we use DOS/CMD in Windows OS.

          To use it, you need to access SSH on your hosting. You can ask for SSH access to your host, but FYI it is not available with every plan out there because it is an advanced feature.

          You can acquire more information on SSH by searching on google.

          Otherwise, you can use their file-manager’s UNZip command (if available) or request them to unzip it for you.

          I hope this helps.


            Zaigham R - MODX Professional | Skype | Email | Twitter

            Digging the interwebs for #MODX gems and bringing it to you. modx.link
            • 33453
            • 141 Posts
            Firstly, this depends on whether your ISP allows SSH/Telnet access or not. Many do, but many do not. If you do not know which way yours goes you can usually find out from their FAQ. If not you will have to contact them. If you do not have this type of access then I’m afraid you have to do it the long way.

            Assuming that you have the appropriate access then you need to get yourself a copy of Putty, available here. Now you are good to go.

            1. Download the appropriate install file from here. I use the .bz2 version, but the .gz is more universal.

            2. Using your normal FTP client set up your required directory structure and upload the install file to there. Let’s say you have installed it off the root directory in a folder called modx (/modx).

            3. Fire up Putty, enter your Hostname or IP addess and select either SSH or Telnet (depending on what access your IP has given you - SSH is better). You can give this a name and save it for future use if you like. Click on the ’Open’ button. Putty will now connect to your server.

            4. If the Putty connection is successful a window will open and you will be prompted for your SSH/Telnet user id/password. Get this right and you will be rewarded with a system prompt from your server. You now have direct access to the root of your server. Unless you want to be a unix guru there are very few commands you need to learn:

            cd mydir - change directory to mydir
            ls - lists all the files in a directory

            So, using the example above, you should enter
            cd modx

            You should then see name of the install file which you previously uploaded.

            5. Now, the interesting bit (finally). Type :

            tar xvfz

            doubleclick on the install filename displayed in the last step then right click. This will insert the filename at the correct point so (you could type it in yourself if you want, but I am lazy):

            tar xvfz installfilename.tar.gz

            Hit enter, and away you go.

            If you have used the bz2 option the command is

            tar jxf ...

            The files will now be unzipped into a directory below your current directory. You can rename this to something sensible if you want, using the third essential unix command:

            mv olddirname newdirname.

            You are now ready to do the install proper.

            This all sounds a bit complicated but it really isn’t - the whole process takes only 5-10 minutes.

            Hope this helps (and hope I have got it right grin)

              • 7455
              • 2,204 Posts
              If someone has a Linux server running plesk and has root acces (normaly only hosting providers) then I have a small linux script that copy’s modx to a domain that you can fill in yourself and set all the rights to the file and folders and even creates a empty config.inc.php for you.
              this script will take maybe 5 secents to execute and then you can run the installer.
              saved me tons of time.

              you will need to have an rar argive somewhere and you need to change the script to match that url

              greets Dim

              remove.txt to use the script (could not upload .sh)

                follow me on twitter: @dimmy01
              • Hi Dimmy... very nice. By chance have you created an application vault package for Plesk?
                  Ryan Thrash, MODX Co-Founder
                  Follow me on Twitter at @rthrash or catch my occasional unofficial thoughts at thrash.me
                  • 7455
                  • 2,204 Posts
                  Quote from: rthrash at Dec 28, 2005, 01:56 PM

                  Hi Dimmy... very nice. By chance have you created an application vault package for Plesk?

                  Nope sorry its just a script made in vi on a server i have hanging on the redbus in Amsterdam Exchange.
                  I will have a look if its posible to make a application vault package for Plesk. I have no idea how this works.
                  I used a skelaton first but that way all the new sites wil have modx and permissions are not set right.
                    follow me on twitter: @dimmy01
                    • 7455
                    • 2,204 Posts
                    Looks like my licence does not alow me to use the application vault.
                      follow me on twitter: @dimmy01