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    I changed some of the text in the eto snippet "ListChildOrSibs", but I was wondering if there is a way to add support of "Show in menu" that MODx uses.

    Here is the snippet in question:

    // ------------------------
    // Snippet: ListChildOrSibs
    // ------------------------
    // Version: 0.6k
    // Date: 2005.07.22
    // [email protected]
    // This snippet was designed to show all child pages, or siblings
    // if there are no children pages, with or without descriptions, in a
    // list.
    // Configuration Settings
       // $removeNewLines [ true | false ]
       // This setting will remove white space from between <ul> and <li>
       // items in HORIZONTAL lists, so the list can be styled in IE.
       // This makes it hard to read the source code- set to false for
       // troubleshooting or if your CSS doesn't quite seem to work.
       $removeNewLines = true;
      // $titleOfList [ string ]
      // If you would like to give your list a generic title this is the place to do it.
      // If you don't want a title, set this to be an empty string
      // $titleOfList = '';
      // If you want to use the current page title as the title
      // then set to 'p'
      // $titleOfList = 'p';
      // Or set in the snippet call with $title:
      // [[ListChildOrSibs?title=Your title here]]
      $titleOfList = 'p';
      // $includeDescription [ true | false ]
      // Set to true if you want to include the description, can be
      // overridden by snippet variable $LCOS_showDesc [ 0 | 1 ]
      $includeDescription = false;
      // $linkTitle [ 'pagetitle' | 'description' | 'longtitle' ]
      // The title of links (in the <a> tag) can be set to use either the
      // description, the longtitle, or pagetitle. The title will default to
      // pagetitle if the desired field is empty.
      $linkTitle = 'longtitle';
      // $maxChildSibs [ int ]
      // Don't let lists of links get away from you. If you want to limit
      // them, provide a max number. 0 = unlimited.
      $maxChildSibs = 0;
      // $subSibsForChildren [ true | false ]
      // If you want to substitute sibling documents for children when
      // there are no children, set to true.
      $subSibsForChildren = true;
      // $showSibsOfUnPubParent [ true | false ]
      // Sometimes when you have an archive folder (unpublished) filled with
      // LOTS of documents, you don't want all those documents appearing as
      // siblings (assuming the current document has no children of its own).
      // This option, when set to false, will first try to show children as 
      // usual. If there are no children, it will look at the parent (to
      // show siblings). If the parent is unpublished however, it will move
      // to its parent and so on until it finds a published folder with
      // published children to list.
      $showSibsOfUnPubParent = true;
      // $showSelfAsSib [ true | false ]
      // When a document has no children, and no other siblings, this variable
      // will determine if the menu shows itself (sibling mode,
      // $showSelfAsSib = true) or all children of the next higher folder
      // ($showSelfAsSib = false).
      $showSelfAsSib = false;
      // $titleAsLink [ true | false ]
      // If the title document is not the current document, true will make the
      // title a link to the title document. This happens on lists showing 
      // siblings of current page.
      $titleAsLink = true;
    // Styles
      // These are the styles used in this snippet:
      // .LCOS_box           A <div> surrounding the entire thing, list and title
      // .LCOS_title         Title of the list
      // .LCOS_list          The class of the <ul> itself
      // .LCOS_child         The class of the <li>
      // .LCOS_current       A <span> wrapped around the current page if in list
      //                     instead of an <a> tag.
      // .LCOS_description   The <span> surrounding the description
    // -------------------------------
    // End Config
    // The rest takes care of itself
    // -------------------------------
    // Initialize things
    $nonIeSpace = "\n";
    $nlSpace = ($removeNewLines)? "" : $nonIeSpace ;
    $showDescription = (isset($LCOS_showDesc))? $LCOS_showDesc :$includeDescription ;
    $titleOfList = isset($title)? $title : $titleOfList;
    $lcosOutput = '';
    // Get current page info if page is cached
    $pageCached = ($modx->documentObject)? false : true ;
    if ($pageCached){
      $currentPageInfo = $modx->getPageInfo($modx->documentIdentifier,0,'pagetitle,parent');
    $currentPagetitle = ($pageCached)? $currentPageInfo['pagetitle'] : $modx->documentObject['pagetitle'] ;
    $currentPageParent = ($pageCached)? $currentPageInfo['parent'] : $modx->documentObject['parent'] ;
    // Build lists
    $children = $modx->getActiveChildren($modx->documentIdentifier, 'menuindex ASC,pagetitle', 'ASC', 'id,pagetitle,description,longtitle');
    $useParent = false;
    if (!$children && $subSibsForChildren && $currentPageParent!=0){
      if (!$showSibsOfUnPubParent){
        $goodParentId = $currentPageParent;
        do {
          // get parent document info
          $pDoc = $modx->getPageInfo($goodParentId, 0, $fields='id, pagetitle, published, deleted, parent');
          // check for pub status and children
          $children = $modx->getActiveChildren($pDoc['id'], 'menuindex ASC,pagetitle', 'ASC', 'id,pagetitle,description,longtitle');
          if (
              $pDoc['published'] && 
              !$pDoc['deleted'] && 
              count($children) > 1 ||
              $children && $showSelfAsSib || 
              (count($children) == 1 && !$showSelfAsSib && $modx->documentIdentifier != $children[0]['id'] ) ||
              (count($children) > 1 && !$showSelfAsSib)
            $pubParent = true; // trigger end of searching
            $useParent = true; // to use correct page title
            $parentName = $pDoc['pagetitle']; // assign correct page title
            $parentId = $pDoc['id'];
          } else {
            $goodParentId = $pDoc['parent'];
            $pubParent = false;
            $children = '';
        } while (!$pubParent && $goodParentId != 0);
      } else { // end if !$showSibsOfUnPubParent
        $children = $modx->getActiveChildren($currentPageParent, 'menuindex ASC,pagetitle', 'ASC', 'id,pagetitle,description,longtitle');
        $useParent = true;
        $parentId = $currentPageParent;
        $parent = $modx->getPageInfo($currentPageParent);
        $parentName = $parent['pagetitle'];    
    if ($children){
      if (!$useParent){
        $titleOfList = ($titleOfList == 'p')? $currentPagetitle : $titleOfList ;
      } else {
        if ($titleOfList == 'p'){
          $titleOfList = ($titleAsLink)? '<a href="[~'.$parentId.'~]" title="'.$parentName.'">' . $parentName . '</a>' : $parentName ;
        } else {
          $titleOfList = $titleOfList;
      // Div around the whole
      $lcosOutput .= '<div>'.$nonIeSpace;
      // Title if any
      $lcosOutput .= ($titleOfList)? '<div>'. $titleOfList.'</div>'.$nonIeSpace : '' ;
      // Start list
      $lcosOutput .= '<ul>'.$nlSpace;
      for ($c=0; ($c < count($children)) && (!$maxChildSibs || ($c < $maxChildSibs)) ; $c++){
        $onCurrentPage = ($children[$c]['id']==$modx->documentIdentifier)? true : false ;
        $lcosOutput .= '<li>';
        if ($onCurrentPage){
          $lcosOutput .= '<span class="here">';
        } else {
          $lcosOutput .= '<a href="[~'.$children[$c]['id'].'~]" ';
          $useLinkTitle =($children[$c][$linkTitle])? $children[$c][$linkTitle] : $children[$c]['pagetitle'] ;
          $lcosOutput .= 'title="'.$useLinkTitle.'">';
        $lcosOutput .= $children[$c]['pagetitle'];
        $lcosOutput .= ($onCurrentPage)? '</span>' : '</a>';
        $lcosOutput .= ($showDescription )?'<span class="LCOS_description">'.$children[$c]['description'].'</span>' : '';
        $lcosOutput .= '</li>'.$nlSpace;
      } // end foreach
      $lcosOutput .= '</ul>'.$nlSpace; //end list
      $lcosOutput .= '</div>'.$nonIeSpace;
    } // end if children exist
    // send to parser
    return $lcosOutput;


    scotty Delicious
      Husband, Father, Brother, Son, Programmer, Atheist, Nurse, Friend, Lover, Fighter.
      All of the above... in no specific order.

      I send pointless little messages
      • 13577
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      I’d be happy to help you with this as I will want to be making these changes to my snippets anyway. However, I won’t be able to squeeze the time for it till Monday. If it can’t wait that long, then perhaps someone else can take a shot at it.
        Standard Disclaimer
        I could be totally wrong.
        • 26435
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        Thanks jaredc.

        There is no rush on this. ListChildOrSibs just seems to be the easiest way I can come up with to do this. My other option is a [*TV*] using the dropmenu snippet, but dropmenu doesn’t do what LCOS does as well (IMHO). It is just one of those specialty snippets that may not be super useful to everyone, but it is begging to be correctly updated for MODx.


          Husband, Father, Brother, Son, Programmer, Atheist, Nurse, Friend, Lover, Fighter.
          All of the above... in no specific order.

          I send pointless little messages
          • 13577
          • 302 Posts
          Quote from: ScottyDelicious at Dec 18, 2005, 01:16 AM
          ...It is just one of those specialty snippets that may not be super useful to everyone, but it is begging to be correctly updated for MODx...

          It’s used by others more than I thought it would be, actually. I’m in the process of doing its MODx conversion. I’m also cleaning up the formatting a bit to be more Pear standards compliant.
            Standard Disclaimer
            I could be totally wrong.
            • 13577
            • 302 Posts
            OK - tucked away in the development section is a new posting for the ListChildOrSibs snippet. It now respects hidemenu in a way that I "think" is predictable. Give it some testing and let me know what you think. (Please post any requests for changes in that forum.)
              Standard Disclaimer
              I could be totally wrong.