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    • 23019
    • 27 Posts
    I think I’m using this snippet well, but when I’m modifying a profile and click to "Save" button, the changes are not stored.

    Can anyone help me?
      • 23019
      • 27 Posts
      I know I’ve been I little bit unexplicit. After editing & clicking Save in the ProfileTpl I get the message "Your profile has been updated" but really in the DB hasn’t been updated.

      My profile Tpl is:

      <div id="wlpeUser">
      <form enctype="multipart/form-data" id="wlpeUserProfileForm" action="[~[*id*]~]" method="POST">
      <fieldset id="wlpeUserProfileInput">
      <div id="wlpeUserInfo">
      <h3 id="wlpeProfileWelcome">Hola [+user.fullname+] ([+user.username+])!</h3>
      <p id="wlpeProfileInfo" class="info">Use este formulario para actualizar su información de perfil</p>

      <legend>Su perfil de usuario</legend>

      <label for="wlpeUserProfileFullName">Nombre Completo</label>
      <input id="wlpeUserProfileFullName" type="text" name="fullname" value="[+user.fullname+]" />
      <label for="wlpeUserProfileNIF">NIF</label>
      <input id="wlpeUserProfileNIF" type="text" name="NIF" value="[+user.NIF+]" />
      <label for="wlpeUserProfileEmail">Email</label>
      <input id="wlpeUserProfileEmail" type="text" name="email" value="[+user.email+]" />
      <label for="wlpeUserProfileDob">Fecha de nacimiento <span class="info">(DD-MM-AAAA)</span></label>
      <input id="wlpeUserProfileDob" type="text" name="dob" value="[+user.dob+]" />

      <fieldset id="wlpeNewPasswordArea">
      <legend id="wlpeNewPasswordAreaLegend">Cambiar su password</legend>
      <p id="wlpeNewPasswordInfo">Cambiar password <span class="info">(deje en blanco si no desea un nuevo pasword).</span></p>
      <label for="wlpeUserProfilePassword">Nuevo Password</label>
      <input id="wlpeUserProfilePassword" type="password" name="password" value="" />
      <label for="wlpeUserProfilePasswordConfirm">Nuevo Password (confirmar)</label>
      <input id="wlpeUserProfilePasswordConfirm" type="password" name="password.confirm" value="" />

      <fieldset id="wlpeUserProfileButtons">
      <button type="submit" id="wlpeSaveProfileButton" name="service" value="saveprofile">Salvar</button>
      <button type="submit" id="wlpeProfileDoneButton" name="service" value="cancel">Cancelar</button>
      <button type="submit" id="wlpeProfileLogoutButton" name="service" value="logout">Logout</button>
      <button type="submit" id="wlpeProfileDeleteButton" name="service" value="deleteprofile">Borrar mi perfil</button>

        • 26435
        • 1,193 Posts
        What is the snippet call?, specifically the &type parameter?

        If you used &type=`simple` (or if you did not specify a type) the Save button’s name attribute should be "service" and the value should be "saveprofilesimple"

        if you used &type=`profile` the Save button’s name attribute should be "service" and the value should be "saveprofile"

        I have a feeling you are using simple or unspecified because the standard templates that I have included with WebLoginPE are set up to work with &type=`profile` (which is the most common scenario... having the profile edited on a separate document.

        see http://docs.webloginpe.info/views.html for the complete list of service names for the different types.

        Dr. Scotty Delicious, DFPA.
          Husband, Father, Brother, Son, Programmer, Atheist, Nurse, Friend, Lover, Fighter.
          All of the above... in no specific order.

          I send pointless little messages
          • 23019
          • 27 Posts
          [!WebLoginPE? &lang=`en` &type=`profile` &profileTpl=`profileTpl` !]

          It’s like you say that must be, no?