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    I’m new to modx only been using modx for about a week ago or so but what i have seen it can do so far I’ve been very impressed, but still loads to learn. I’m also very impressed with the flexibility of WebLoginPe, what a great job that has been done here.

    But i have encountered a couple of problems some of which I’ve managed to solve by searching through the various helpful posts on the forums.

    But there is one which i can’t seem to solve and this is probably down to me being a noob and doing something wrong. The problem I’m getting is when a user registers, the follow error message displays when the register button is clicked "An error while sending the email. Please contact the Site Administrator." . An email is actually sent and the web user is set up correct and seems to work fine but they aren’t seeing the correct message. I have been trying to achieve the login all on one page instead of having separate pages for login, register, profile ect. But I have also tried to set up a separate page for registering but still get the same error.

    This is the code

    This is what I’m using on the page that i want to deal with login, registering and profiles ect.
    [!WebLoginPE? &regType=`verify`&loHomeId=`4` &groups=`Registered users` !]

    As I’ve said i have also tried to see if it works on a separate registration page using the following

    [!WebLoginPE? &type=`register` &regType=`verify` &groups=`Registered Users` &regSuccessId=`4` !]

    Also if i add the &notify with my correct email address the nothing at all happens when register is clicked, the user isn’t even registered it just stays on the same page without any error.

    [!WebLoginPE? &type=`register` &regType=`verify` &groups=`Registered Users` &regSuccessId=`4` &notify=`[email protected]`!]

    Also this may be a silly question but snippets call go within document content or do they have to be in the template?

    And finally where can i change the subject line of the confirmation email sent and also who it is from.

    Thanks in advanced and apologies if this is me silly doing something wrong.

    Also forgot to say i’m at present running this locally using xampp

      • 32830
      • 21 Posts
      From within your ModxCMS manager page:

      Tools --> Configuration --> User