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    	$wlpe_lang = array();
    	//WebLoginPE Class language strings.
    	$wlpe_lang[0] = 'You have left some required form fields blank.';
    	$wlpe_lang[1] = 'Your username is too long. It must be less than 20 characters.';
    	$wlpe_lang[2] = 'Your [+000+] fields do not match. Please try again.';
    	$wlpe_lang[3] = 'The password you entered is too short. Please use at least 6 numbers and/or letters.';
    	$wlpe_lang[4] = 'Your password contains illegal characters. Please use only letters (a-z, A-Z) and numbers (0-9).';
    	$wlpe_lang[5] = 'You have left some required form fields blank.';
    	$wlpe_lang[6] = 'Incorrect form code. Please enter the correct code displayed by the image.';
    	$wlpe_lang[7] = 'Sorry, that username is in use. Please choose a different username.';
    	$wlpe_lang[8] = 'Sorry, a user with that email already exists. You can not use that email again.';
    	$wlpe_lang[9] = 'An error occurred while trying to register your account.';
    	$wlpe_lang[10] = 'An error occurred while trying to save your profile information.';
    	$wlpe_lang[11] = 'An error occured while attempting to update the web groups.';
    	$wlpe_lang[12] = 'An error while sending the email. Please use our <a href="contact.php">Contact Form</a> to notify us of this error.';
    	$wlpe_lang[13] = 'There was an error removing your account.';
    	$wlpe_lang[14] = 'There is no active account for that email.';
    	$wlpe_lang[15] = 'Error while loading user account. Please use our <a href="contact.php">Contact Form</a> to notify us of this error.';
    	$wlpe_lang[16] = 'Invalid password or password activation key. Your account was NOT activated.';
    	$wlpe_lang[17] = 'Sorry, but there was an error while activating your password.';
    	$wlpe_lang[18] = 'The password you entered was incorrect. Please try again.';
    	$wlpe_lang[19] = 'Too many failed login attempts. You have been blocked. You can try again in [+000+] minutes.';
    	$wlpe_lang[20] = 'Your password was incorrect. Your failed login count is now at [+000+], and you will be blocked for [+111+] minutes for more than [+222+] failed attempts. Please try again once the time expires.<p></p>Perhaps you <a href="[~[*id*]~]?service=forgot">forgot</a> your password?';
    	$wlpe_lang[21] = 'The username you entered does not exist.';
    	$wlpe_lang[22] = 'Due to too many failed logins, you have been blocked!';
    	$wlpe_lang[23] = 'You are blocked and cannot log in!';
    	$wlpe_lang[24] = 'You cannot log in at this time. You are blocked for the next [+000+] minutes.';
    	$wlpe_lang[25] = 'You are not allowed to login from this location.';
    	$wlpe_lang[26] = 'You are not allowed to login at this time. Please try again later.';
    	$wlpe_lang[27] = 'There was an error in the date format for your date of birth. Please use MM-DD-YYYY';
    	$wlpe_lang[28] = 'Your avatar is too big. Keep it less than [+000+] Kb';
    	$wlpe_lang[29] = 'WebLoginPE could not upload your avatar. Please check the permissions of the "userimages" folder.';
    	$wlpe_lang[30] = 'Your avatar must be either in .GIF, .JPG, or .PNG format.';
    	$wlpe_lang[31] = 'The chunk name you passed does not exist or contains no data. Please check your spelling. The default template will be rendered in its place.';
    	$wlpe_lang[32] = 'Your username contains illegal characters. Please use only letters (a-z, A-Z) and numbers (0-9).';
    	$wlpe_lang[33] = 'Unknown';
    	$wlpe_lang[34] = 'You must agree to the Terms of Service.';
    	$wlpe_lang[35] = 'An non-activated user has been deleted.';
    	$wlpe_lang[36] = 'The user "[+000+]" has been deleted. "[+000+]" Registered on [+111+] and did not activate the account by logging in.';
    	$wlpe_lang[37] = 'Your message has been sent to ';
    	$wlpe_lang[38] = 'Private';
    	$wlpe_lang[39] = 'Country';
    	$wlpe_lang[40] = 'Gender';
    	$wlpe_lang[41] = 'Online';
    	$wlpe_lang[42] = 'Offline';
    	//Snippet Strings
    	$wlpe_lang[100] = 'Check your email for details on your new account. If you do not receive an email, contact the owner of ';
    	$wlpe_lang[101] = 'Your profile has been updated.';
    	$wlpe_lang[102] = 'Your profile has been deleted.';
    	$wlpe_lang[103] = 'Check your email for instructions on how to activate your new password.';
    	$wlpe_lang[104] = 'Your new password has been activated.';
    	$wlpe_lang[105] = 'There is no language file by the name you provided. The English language file will be used instead.';

    I changed some of the fields to be more "user-friendly" (like removing the jargon-ish text for the GIF/JPG/PNG-only avatar uploading error), and added some periods in places that didn’t have it (unless those already have a period in them, and that means I created double periods tongue). Some of the fields are specifc to my website, though (only two of them, IIRC).

    If someone wants to use part of it, feel free to. smiley
      My Snippets
      -> PopUpChunk v1.0