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  • Very. Each payment module needs two TVs, one to create the option button for the payment options menu bar, and the other to contain your payment method code. See the original "COD" payment module for an example. Right now, I’m just tidying up those TVs, organizing variable and html class names, stuff like that. Will need to add the shipping method and shipping cost to the SESSION in the plugin, then update the checkout cart to have a section displaying shipping cost and a final Order Total line (as the origiinal versions already do, if a bit sloppy). Then it’s up to everybody who wants one to create a new shipping or payment TV, and add the option button TV for it to the option menu bar TVs. I will try to make it clearer as it’s done, and then make up a full tutorial for setting up a simple shopping site.
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    • Great stuff Susan. Is it working to create accounts on a successful checkout now, or remembering account info when logging back in?
        Ryan Thrash, MODX Co-Founder
        Follow me on Twitter at @rthrash or catch my occasional unofficial thoughts at thrash.me
      • Sorry, no, still all in the SESSION. After this is all clean and I’m happy with it, then I’ll add database storage to it. It won’t be difficult, I plan to use the web_user_attributes table for it. then there will be two version, temporary and permanent.

        I’ll serialize the line orders, I think. It shouldn’t be too difficult to grab the line orders from the SESSION, serialze them, save them, then later grab them out of the database, unserialze them and load them into the SESSION. And if you want, the user info can also be saved, although that would best be collected when the user registers; may need a bit of customization of the user registration snippet. I haven’t really looked at it yet. But it can get as complex as we like. One step at a time!

        I personally however will not code anything for saving anybody’s credit card information in the database! If somebody else wants to do that, that’s their business. (in case you didn’t notice, I STRONGLY disapprove of the whole idea!)
          Studying MODX in the desert - http://sottwell.com
          Tips and Tricks from the MODX Forums and Slack Channels - http://modxcookbook.com
          Join the Slack Community - http://modx.org