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    I am still trying to get to echo a line of code only on user login. I am trying something like this

    if ($userId != 0) { global $modx;
      // User logged in so show icon
        echo "<a href=\"http://$website\" target=\"new\"> 
    	<img src=\"http://www.pianoquartet.nl/assets/snippets/nbscripts/images/www.png\" alt=\"Go to '.$name.' \'s website\" title=\"Go to '.$name.' 's website\" style=\"border:0\"></a></td>"; 
    else {
      // user not logged in

    Thing is that it does not pick up a userid, this is part of a script that is called form a snippet. So the script itself is not a snippet. So, correct me if I am wrong, it is not "aware" of modx webusers? Is there a solution? Could that snippet call perhaps pass on that webuser value? As it passes on some of the variables in the script above ($_GET)?

      • 4041
      • 788 Posts
      Try this:

      if (isset($_SESSION[’webInternalKey’])) { global $modx;
      // User logged in so show icon
      echo "<a href=\"http://$website\" target=\"new\">
      <img src=\"http://www.pianoquartet.nl/assets/snippets/nbscripts/images/www.png\" alt=\"Go to ’.$name.’ \’s website\" title=\"Go to ’.$name.’ ’s website\" style=\"border:0\"></a></td>";

      else {
      // user not logged in
        http://frsbuilders.net (under construction) forum for evolution
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        Thanks, I did, no webuser detected somehow. I echo d something in the else bit and it gets displayed eventhough I am logged in as a webuser sad.

          • 10076
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          Is this possible at all? Or is it an idea to pass a var on from within the snippet that triggers the script holding user login data?
            • 4041
            • 788 Posts
            I’m not sure why that wouldn’t work, but without knowing what you are doing in other parts of the script/snippet it’s kind of hard to diagnose.

            If you could post more of the related snippet/script it could likely help us help you smiley
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              okay here we go,

              so on a page I have this call: [!publist!] , here’ s the publist snippet:

              $pubchar = $_GET['pubchar'];
              $myscript = "http://www.pianoquartet.nl/assets/snippets/nbscripts/publist.php?idpd=48&idpmod=40&idpdel=73&pubchar=".$pubchar;
              include ($myscript);
              All the digits are refering to modx pages, idpd=publisher details,idpmod=the page with the call to modify data, idpdel=the page with the call to delete, pubchar=the character of the publisher.

              here is the publist where i would like the modify and the delete icon omly to show "if logged in" else : don t show icon.

              $idpubdetails = $_GET['idpd'];
              $idpubmod     = $_GET['idpmod'];
              $pubchar      = $_GET['pubchar'];
              $idpubdelete  = $_GET['idpdel'];
              $idpub  = $_GET['idpub'];
              $abbreviation = $_GET['$abbreviation'];
              if (strlen($pubchar) > 0)
                 $select_subset = true;
                 $letter = strtoupper(substr($pubchar,0,1));
                 if (is_numeric($letter))
                    $first_is_number = true;
                 else $first_is_number = false;
              else $select_subset = false;
              //$result = mysql_query($sql) or die('ERROR: '.$query.' '.mysql_error());
              $letterlinks = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ';
              echo '<a name="top"></a>';
              echo '<a href="index.php?id=3&pubchar=0">0-9</a> ';
              for ($i = 0; $i < 26; $i++):
              echo '<a href="index.php?id=3&pubchar='.$letterlinks[$i].'">'.$letterlinks[$i].'</a> ';
              ($list = mysql_fetch_object($result)):
              $letter = strtoupper(substr($list->name, 0, 1));
              if ($prev_row != '0-9' && is_numeric($letter)):
              echo '<br /><a name="number"></a><b><u>0-9</u></b> ';
              echo '<a href="#top"><i>goto top</i></a><br />';
              $prev_row = '0-9';
              if ($letter != $prev_row && !is_numeric($letter)):
              echo '<br /><a name="'.$letter.'"></a><b><u>'.$letter.'</u></b> ';
              echo '<a href="#top"><i>goto top</i></a><br />';
              $prev_row = $letter;
              echo $list->name.'<br />';
              //echo "<br>select_subset = " . $select_subset;
              if ($select_subset)
              // 001: Database query
                if ($first_is_number)
                   $query = "select * from publisher WHERE name  >= '0%' and name  <= '9%'";
                else $query = "select * from publisher WHERE name  like '".$pubchar."%'";
                $query .= " order by name  ASC";
              //echo "<br>query = " . $query;
              // 002: Execute query
                $res = mysql_query($query, $sqlConn);
                if (!$res)
                   die ('Could not run query: ' . mysql_error());
              echo "<br><br>";
              echo "   <table border=\"0\" align=\"left\" text-align=\"right\" width=\"580\"valign=\"left\" color=\"#fafafa\" cellpadding=\"10\" cellspacing=\"2\">";
              echo "    <thead>";
              echo "    <tr>";
              echo "      <th scope=\"row\" bgcolor=\"#cccccc\">Name</th>";
              echo "      <th scope=\"row\" bgcolor=\"#cccccc\">Remarks</th>";
              echo "      <th scope=\"row\" bgcolor=\"#cccccc\">Options</th>";
              echo "    </tr>";
              echo "    </thead>";
              echo "    <tbody>";
              $i = 0;
                while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($res, MYSQL_BOTH))
                $idpub      = $row[0];
                $abbreviation = $row[1];
                $name         = $row[7];
                $address      = $row[6];
                $street       = $row[3];
                $postcode     = $row[4];
                $city         = $row[5];
                $country      = $row[2];
                $website      = $row[8];
                $email        = $row[9];
                $phone        = $row[11];
                $oddities     = $row[10];
              echo "    <tr>";
              echo "
              if($i%2 == 0)
              echo "<tr bgcolor='#F4F6FA'>";
              echo "<tr bgcolor='#E9EDF5'>";
              echo "      <td >".$name."</td>";
              echo "      <td >".$oddities."</td>";
              echo "      <td ><a href=\"/index.php?id=".$idpubdetails."&idpub=".$idpub."&pubchar=".$pubchar."\">
              <img src=\"http://www.pianoquartet.nl/assets/snippets/nbscripts/images/details.png\" alt=\"Vieuw $name 's details\" title=\"Vieuw $name 's details\" style=\"border:0\"></a>";
              // if $website is not empty 
              if ($website ==!'') { 
                 // show this
                  echo "<a href=\"http://$website\" target=\"new\"> 
              	<img src=\"http://www.pianoquartet.nl/assets/snippets/nbscripts/images/www.png\" alt=\"Go to '.$name.' \'s website\" title=\"Go to '.$name.' 's website\" style=\"border:0\"></a>"; 
              <a href=\"/index.php?id=".$idpubmod."&idpub=".$idpub."&pubchar=".$pubchar."\">
              <img src=\"http://www.pianoquartet.nl/assets/snippets/nbscripts/images/edit.png\" alt=\"Edit $name 's details\" title=\"Edit $name 's details\" style=\"border:0\"></a>";
              // als $email is not empty 
              if ($email ==!'') { 
               // show this
              	echo "<a href=\"mailto:$email\">
              	<img src=\"http://www.pianoquartet.nl/assets/snippets/nbscripts/images/email.png\" alt=\"Email $name\" title=\"Email $name\" style=\"border:0\"></a>";
              <a href=\"/index.php?id=".$idpubdelete."&idpub=".$idpub."&pubchar=".$pubchar."&abbreviation=".$abbreviation."\">
              <img src=\"http://www.pianoquartet.nl/assets/snippets/nbscripts/images/delete.png\" alt=\"Delete $name\" title=\"Delete $name\" style=\"border:0\"></a></td>";
              echo "    </tr>";
              echo "    </tr>";
              //if logged in test test
              if (isset($_SESSION['webInternalKey'])) { global $modx;
                // User logged in so show icon
                  echo "<a href=\"http://$website\" target=\"new\"> login
                 <img src=\"http://www.pianoquartet.nl/assets/snippets/nbscripts/images/www.png\" alt=\"Go to '.$name.' \'s website\" title=\"Go to '.$name.' 's website\" style=\"border:0\"></a></td>"; 
              else {echo login;
                // user not logged in
                echo "        </tbody></table>";

              And on the last few lines we can find the suggestion you made, but logged in or not, it always shows "login" so it goes to the else statement. Not getting a value for the previous "if " statement. I think (who am i) that it comes down to the "include(’connections.php’);" statement which has no relation with modx. But willing to learn. Off course all these pages ( modify and delete) are accesible only to logged in webusers. So the non escaped scripts do not worry me yet. I would like to get this up and running. Thanks for reading all this,

              bst, Fnk.

                • 4041
                • 788 Posts
                At first glance, I noticed a couple things:

                if ($website ==!’’) {
                should be
                if ($website !=’’) {

                if ($email ==!’’) {
                should be
                if ($email !=’’) {

                modify those and see if it helps.
                  http://frsbuilders.net (under construction) forum for evolution
                  • 10076
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                  changed that but it did not change the code this thread is about. Tried all the alterations you suggested but that did not display anything. Bugger,

                  bst fr.
                    • 4041
                    • 788 Posts
                    Ok, my apologies, I was concentrating on the area where the code snippet you initially posted was. After re-reading your last post, added a couple extra session checks around the edit/delete icon parts, give this a try and I think it will work alot better smiley

                    find this line and make it look like this:

                    // added a check here for the session
                    if (isset($_SESSION['webInternalKey'])) {
                    <a href=\"/index.php?id=".$idpubmod."&idpub=".$idpub."&pubchar=".$pubchar."\">
                    <img src=\"http://www.pianoquartet.nl/assets/snippets/nbscripts/images/edit.png\" alt=\"Edit $name 's details\" title=\"Edit $name 's details\" style=\"border:0\"></a>";

                    also this line:

                    // added a check here for the session
                    if (isset($_SESSION['webInternalKey'])) {
                    <a href=\"/index.php?id=".$idpubdelete."&idpub=".$idpub."&pubchar=".$pubchar."&abbreviation=".$abbreviation."\">
                    <img src=\"http://www.pianoquartet.nl/assets/snippets/nbscripts/images/delete.png\" alt=\"Delete $name\" title=\"Delete $name\" style=\"border:0\"></a></td>";
                      http://frsbuilders.net (under construction) forum for evolution
                      • 10076
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                      to bad did not work

                      here s the code,I altered it a bit to simplify things:

                      // added a check here for the session
                      if (isset($_SESSION['webInternalKey'])) {
                      else { echo login;
                        // user not logged in

                      I am connecting using this connect.php:

                      $sqlConn = mysql_connect('dbhost','db','dbpw');
                      if (!$sqlConn)
                        die ('unable to connect' . mysql_error());
                      $db = mysql_select_db('pianonl_pianoquartet', $sqlConn);
                      //sets encoding to utf8
                      @mysql_query("SET NAMES 'iso-8859-1'");
                      @mysql_query('SET COLLATION_CONNECTION=@@collation_database');

                      Maybe something wrong here?