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    I’ve hit a problem and I’m hoping that someone can show me a good solution.

    My site has two document types: Normal pages, and MP3 pages.

    Other than the super-user (that’s me), I want to have just one other manager user (the client). I want the manager user to be able to:

    * edit normal page content (but not delete or move them)
    * delete mp3 pages (but not be able to move them)

    The way the MODx manager user permissions work I can’t see a way to grant a user different rights for different document types: E.g. the client can either delete both normal and mp3 types, or neither of them. But I can’t have them be able to delete one set off documents and not another because edit / delete permission is set on the user role rather than the document type.

    In this example, this means that I have to have one user for dealing with MP3s and another user to deal with normal pages and therefore have to give the client 2 different logins.

    Any way around this?
