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    • 15716
    • 57 Posts
    I’m trying to register new users by using the default forms via WebLoginPE, but no matter what I keep getting the following error:

    « MODx Parse Error »
    MODx encountered the following error while attempting to parse the requested resource:
    « Execution of a query to the database failed - Incorrect integer value: ’’ for column ’dob’ at row 1 »
    SQL: INSERT INTO `test_modx`.`test_modx_web_user_attributes` (internalKey, fullname, email, phone, mobilephone, dob, gender, country, state, zip, fax, photo, comment) VALUES (’13’, ’tester’, ’[email protected]’, ’’, ’’, ’’, ’’, ’’, ’’, ’’, ’’, ’http://www.test.com/assets/snippets/webloginpe/userimages/default_user.jpg’, ’’)
    [Copy SQL to ClipBoard]

    Parser timing
    MySQL: 0.0462 s (28 Requests)
    PHP: 0.0690 s
    Total: 0.1152 s
    Error while inserting event log into database.

    What does this mean (sorry for being dense), and how can I fix this?

    Thank you,
      • 3749
      • 24,544 Posts
      Just guessing, but it looks like the DB doesn’t like the fact that the 6th field (DOB -- aka date of birth) is blank. If you’re not requiring that field, you might solve it by going into PhpMyAdmin and changing that field so it allows null entries.

      Someone else may have a better idea.
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