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  • Hey folks,

    I’m trying to create a menu or a link to a specific page that is only visible to a particular user. I have an auto generation plugin working that when someone signs up with webloginPE, pages are auto generated for this user and modx registers that these pages were created by this person. I have the plugin creating 3 documents, 2 of which are child docs as one is the parent. What I would like to do is the following and I need to somehow make 1 of the documents hidden from the public (this is easy enough to do) but visible to the logged in user who created them.

    I want the parent to have a ditto call showing only the documents that are visible with the menu selected (&showInMenuOnly=`1`) so the public will only see 1 of the child docs as the other is generated as hidden to menus. I can’t think how I can make a page that is not showing in a menu, visible to a webuser. I’m thinking of some sort of menu that is only visible to the webuser that can some how know which folder is their’s and generate the links so they see both hidden and non-hidden menu links.

    I’m not sure which forum this is best put in but I thought this would be a personalisation topic.

    If someone could give me some ideas what I could do, that would be super.

      Ross Sivills - MD AugmentBLU Edinburgh, Scotland UK
      AugmentBLU - MODX Partner

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