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    Use this forum to post any comments about this addition or any questions you have regarding its use.

    Brief Description:
    Simple web user registration form
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      I’ve recently added this snippet to my website. It works great, but I had a couple of issues. Firstly, it didn’t verify as XHTML compliant if using the built-in template. There was a small error with the naming of the radio-button label name. Also, when it was set-up to email an administrator when someone signed up, it would always send the email address of the administrator to the administrator. Not what was intended, obviously wink.

      Anyway, I’ve fixed these issues and include the new code here:

      // RegisterX - snippet for MODx 0.9x
      // April 2006
      // [email protected]
      // Version 1
      // Adds and removes users from a given web user group
      // June 2006
      // Version 1.1 - fixed the bug where an existing web user
      // would get signed up if he tries to sign out when he's not
      // already a member of the web group
      // options
      //     &usergroup=`webgroup` - required! Form will not be displayed
      //                             without a valid web user group!
      //     &sendadmin=`address`  - optional, will send notification to supplied address
      //     &senduser=`1|0`       - optional, will send notification to user's address
      //     &tpl=`chunkname`      - optional, chunk to use as form template
      // text
      $nlxLabel = "Enter your e-mail address to receive our newsletter.";
      $nlxOutLabel = "Remove Me.";
      $nlxSubmit = "Submit";
      $nlxMissingEmail = "Missing Email address!";
      $nlxInvalidEmail = "Invalid Email address!";
      $nlxInvalidAdminEmail = "Invalid Admin Email address.";
      $nlxAlreadyReceiving = "You are already receiving the newsletter.";
      $nlxRemoved = "You have been removed from the mailing list.";
      $nlxAdded = "Newsletter registration successful.";
      $nlxError = "Unable to register. Please try again later.";
      // the mailer function - edit the subject and the register/unregister messages
      if(!function_exists("sendMail")) {
        function sendMail($address,$about,$type,$action) {
          global $modx;
          $from = $modx->config['emailsender'];
          $fromname = $modx->config['site_name'];
          $to = $address;
          $subject = "Web Registration";
          if($type == "admin") {
              $message = ($action == "in") ? 
              "The email address $about has registered" : "The email address $about has been removed.";
          } else {
              $message = ($action == "in") ? 'This email address, '.$address.', has been registered for a newsletter. Go <a href="http://www.gamesfaction.com"> here </a>to be removed from the mailing list.' : "This email address, $address, has been removed from registration";
          include_once "manager/includes/controls/class.phpmailer.php";
          $mail = new PHPMailer();
          $mail->From = $from;
          $mail->FromName = $fromname;
          $mail->Subject	= $subject;
          $mail->Body		= $message;
          if(!$mail->send()) return $mail->ErrorInfo;    
        } // end mail function
      } // end function_exists check
      // the registration form 
      if($tpl) { 
        $nlxForm = ($chunk=$modx->getChunk($tpl)) ? $chunk:"Chunk '$tpl' not found.";
      } else {
        $nlxForm = isset($tpl) ? $modx->getChunk($tpl) : '
        <form id="nlxForm" method="post" action="[~[*id*]~]">
        <fieldset id="nlxFields">
        <label for="nlxEmail">'.$nlxLabel.'<br />
        <input type="text" name="nlxEmail" id="nlxEmail" class="nlxText" /></label><br />
        <label for="nlxOut">
        <input type="radio" name="nlxOut" id="nlxOut" class="nlxRadio" />' .$nlxOutLabel.'</label>
        <input type="submit" name="nlxSubmit" id="nlxSubmit" class="nlxButton" value="'.$nlxSubmit.'" />
      // check for valid web user group
      if(!isset($usergroup) || $usergroup == '') { return; } // quietly do nothing if usergroup is not set
      $result = $modx->db->select('id',$modx->getFullTableName('webgroup_names'),"name = '".$usergroup."'");
      if($modx->db->getRecordCount($result) != 1) { return; } // quietly do nothing if usergroup does not exist
      // validate snippet mailing arguments
      if(isset($sendadmin)) {
        if(!eregi("^[_a-z0-9-]+(\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(\.[a-z0-9-]+)*(\.[a-z]{2,3})$", $sendadmin)) {
          return $nlxInvalidAdminEmail;
      $senduser = isset($senduser) ? $senduser : 0;
      if(isset($_POST['nlxSubmit'])) {
      // process registration
        // first, just check for empty field
        if(!isset($_POST['nlxEmail']) || $_POST['nlxEmail'] == '') {
          $error = '<span class="error">'.$nlxMissingEmail.'</span><br />';
          return $error . $nlxForm;
        // now check for invalid email
        if(!eregi("^[_a-z0-9-]+(\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(\.[a-z0-9-]+)*(\.[a-z]{2,3})$", $_POST['nlxEmail'])) {
          $error = '<span class="error">'.$nlxInvalidEmail.'</span><br />';
          return $error . $nlxForm;
        // email address is present and valid so process registration/removal
        $email = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['nlxEmail']);
          // check for existing user
        $result = $modx->db->select('internalKey',$modx->getFullTableName('web_user_attributes')," email = '".$email."'");
        if($modx->db->getRecordCount($result) == 1) {
          // check group to see if this user is already a member
          $uid = $modx->db->getValue($result);
          $result = $modx->db->select('id',$modx->getFullTableName('webgroup_names'),"name = '".$usergroup."'");
          if($modx->db->getRecordCount($result) == 1) {
            $gid = $modx->db->getValue($result);
            $result = $modx->db->select('id',$modx->getFullTableName('web_groups'),"webgroup = $gid AND webuser = $uid");
            if($modx->db->getRecordCount($result) != 0) {
              if($_POST['nlxOut'] == 'on') { // opt out
                if(isset($sendadmin)) { sendMail($sendadmin,$email,"admin","out"); }
                if($senduser != 0) { sendMail($email,$email,"user","out"); }
                $modx->db->delete($modx->getFullTableName('web_groups'),"webgroup = $gid AND webuser = $uid");
                return '<span class="important">'.$nlxRemoved.'</span>';
              return '<span class="important">'.$nlxAlreadyReceiving.'</span>';
            } else {
      				// trying to remove non-registered account?
      				if($_POST['nlxOut'] == 'on') {
      				return $nlxForm;
              // add the user to the group
              $sql = "INSERT INTO ".$modx->getFullTableName('web_groups')." (webgroup, webuser) VALUES (".$gid.",".$uid.")";
              $result = $modx->db->query($sql);
              if($result) { 
                if(isset($sendadmin)) { sendMail($sendadmin,$email,"admin","in"); }
                if($senduser != 0) { sendMail($email,$email,"user","in"); }
                return '<span class="important">'.$nlxAdded.'</span>'; 
              } else {
                return '<span class="error">'.$nlxError.'</span><br />' . $nlxForm;
        // trying to remove non-registered account?
        if($_POST['nlxOut'] == 'on') {
          return $nlxForm;
       // add user
        $pass = md5(time());
        $sql = "INSERT INTO ".$modx->getFullTableName('web_users')." (username,password) VALUES ('".$email."', '".$pass."')";
        $rs = $modx->db->query($sql);
        if(!$rs) {
          return '<span class="error">'.$nlxError.'</span><br />' . $nlxForm;
        } else {
          $uid = $modx->db->getInsertId();
          // add data to web_user_attributes 
          $sql = "INSERT INTO ".$modx->getFullTableName('web_user_attributes')." (internalKey,email) VALUES (".$uid.",'".$email."')";
          $rs = $modx->db->query($sql);
          if(!$rs) {
            $modx->db->delete($modx->getFullTableName('web_users'),"id = ".$uid);
            return '<span class="error">'.$nlxError.'</span><br />' . $nlxForm;
          } else {
          // add user to the group
            $result = $modx->db->select('id',$modx->getFullTableName('webgroup_names'),"name = '".$usergroup."'");
            if($modx->db->getRecordCount($result) == 1) {
              $gid = $modx->db->getValue($result);
            $sql = "INSERT INTO ".$modx->getFullTableName('web_groups')." (webgroup, webuser) VALUES (".$gid.",".$uid.")";
            $result = $modx->db->query($sql);
            if($result) { 
              if(isset($sendadmin)) { sendMail($sendadmin,$email,"admin","in"); }
              if($senduser != 0) { sendMail($email,$email,"user","in"); }
              return '<span class="important">'.$nlxAdded.'</span>'; 
            } else {
              return '<span class="error">'.$nlxError.'</span><br />' . $nlxForm;
      } else {
      // display registration form
      return $nlxForm;

      What is the accepted practice for submitting fixes like this? I’m conscious of the fact that sometimes, snippets can end up having many different versions.