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    • 5546
    • 23 Posts
    hi, i have been scouring the forums trying out different fixes, but i can’t seem to get anywhere. i have a document that has 4 child documents. i am making the following call in the parent document:

    [[!getResources? &parents=`1` &limit=`5` &tpl=`servicesModule` &includeTVs=`1` &processTVs=`1` &includeContent=`1`]]

    and this code is in my "servicesModule" chunk:

    nothing is output on my page at all. i checked and i am running php 5.2.6 and revolution obviously. at least with ditto i was able to see an error on the page, but i switched to getResources since it seems this is the preferred package for revolution.

    any help is appreciated!!
      • 5546
      • 23 Posts
      i changed this:

      to this:


      and there is still no change. i saw a post about removing your template call to see what is available, but nothing prints out. it seems like nothing is getting called or something. i am sure it is something small i am missing, but i can’t figure it out.
        • 5546
        • 23 Posts
        well i uninstalled the package and then reinstalled it. i also added


        to my call, and again nothing. it seems like my problem is similar to this post: http://modxcms.com/forums/index.php/topic,54293.0.html
        he ended up going back to evolution. is there any way i can avoid this?
          • 24531
          • 213 Posts
          to your snippet call, check your logs (system to see what’s going on.

          add some other snippet calls to see if it works at all. btw, i had strange behavior of one of the core components, don’t know what exactly was screwed up, but i solved it this way:
          backed up database, packed my template and chunks with packman, did clean install of revo’s latest version and installed latest versions of components from package transport. that did the trick for me.
            • 5546
            • 23 Posts
            thanks for your help. cache didn’t seem to help either and i saw in the logs that there was a problem in the select statement. i ended up clearing my cache in modx, and started building the getResources call over by adding one specific tag at a time. so far it seems to be working. thanks again!
              • 22303 MODX Staff
              • 10,725 Posts
              Quote from: rav3n at Oct 31, 2010, 12:40 PM

              to your snippet call, check your logs (system to see what’s going on.

              add some other snippet calls to see if it works at all. btw, i had strange behavior of one of the core components, don’t know what exactly was screwed up, but i solved it this way:
              backed up database, packed my template and chunks with packman, did clean install of revo’s latest version and installed latest versions of components from package transport. that did the trick for me.
              FWIW, there is no cache property for the getResources snippet. I think you are thinking of getPage.
                • 36875
                • 5 Posts
                Just in case everyone else out there is still mystified over why getResources does not output anything: if the resources you wish to display have been hidden from the menus, you need to add &showHidden=`true` to your getResources call. Took me hours to work that out. I admit though, it’s all there in the documentation...
                  • 24694
                  • 4 Posts
                  Thanks Jr. Member!!!

                  I had completely the same problem and i spend hours to understand why I wasn’t working..!!
                  all work fine!!
                  Thanks again!!
                    • 24694
                    • 4 Posts
                    no worries..
                    I actually spend some time myself to figure it out... smiley
                      • 38477
                      • 10 Posts

                      I tried


                      but still get blank page. whats the issue?

                        Mukesh Chache