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    • 22446
    • 181 Posts
    Looking for some assistance using getResrouces. I have my getResources call working properly. Basically what I am doing is writing up articles in regards to outdoor equipment. I have images in each article. The images may be in different locations throughout the article. All these articles are displayed on the homepage right now with the images. Is there a way that I can exclude a div, img, p, etc. in a getResources call so that the images do not show up?

    My call out is as follows:
    [[!getResources? &parents=`28` &limit=`10` &tpl=`Articles` &includeContent=`1` &sortby=`publishedon` &showHidden=`1` &includeTVs=`1` &tvPrefix=`` &hideContainers=`1`]]

    My Chunk is as follows:
    <div class="article_sum_text"><h1><a href="/[[~[[+id]]]]">[[+pagetitle]]</a></h1>
    <h3>Date: [[+Date]]</h3>
    <p>[[+introtext:default=`[[+content:ellipsis=`500`]]`]]</p><a href="/[[~[[+id]]]]">Read more »</a></div>
      • 22840
      • 1,572 Posts
      Easy way to do it is by using CSS.

      Your chunk:

      <div class="teaser">
      <div class="article_sum_text"><h1><a href="/[[~[[+id]]]]">[[+pagetitle]]</a></h1>
      <h3>Date: [[+Date]]</h3>
      <p>[[+introtext:default=`[[+content:ellipsis=`500`]]`]]</p><a href="/[[~[[+id]]]]">Read more »</a></div>

      Add this to your CSS:

      .teaser img {
      display: none;

      Should work ok
        • 22446
        • 181 Posts
        Worked. Thanks.