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    • 12664
    • 11 Posts
    I’m developing a site for an art project. I started out in Evolution 1.0.3, but since then Revo 2.0.0 came out, so I decided to convert it before it was loaded with content.
    In my Evo set up I have a tv called tagSearch. There’s a Ditto Call in there which ouputs a list of resources filtered by a tag defined in the tv ’myTags’.

    An example:
    [!Ditto? &depth=`0` &parents=`0` &tpl=`idvdv_ditto_action` &display=`all` &paginate=`1` &paginateAlwaysShowLinks=`0` &tagData=`myTags` &tagDelimiter=`,` &tags=`huis` &tagDocumentID=`37`!]

    My Evolution page with working Ditto functionality: http://claire.hi-ka-sk.be/modx/index.php?id=34

    I’m searching for the same functionality with getResources and getResourcesTag, but I’m a bit stuck there.
    In the documentation for getResourcesTag there’s an example which seems to be fitting my needs:
    Display Resources with tag ’test’ (found in the GET param ’tag’) in the TV ’blog-tags’, and set the results to a placeholder called ’results’:
    [[!getResourcesTag? &parents=`4,12,33` &tagKey=`blog-tags` &toPlaceholder=`results`]]
    <h2>Search Results</h2>

    But there’s a few things I don’t understand.
    Where can I find the GET param? What does the &tagRequestParam do?
    I have to be looking for a basic functionality but can’t seem to find it.
    I’m doing this DIY style, without a technical developing background.
    Thanks in advance,


      • 25141
      • 49 Posts
      As far as I understand, it should be used like this:
      [[!getResourcesTag? &parents=`ID` &tag=`NameOfMyTag1, NameOfMyTag2` &tpl=`TemplateName` ]]

      That’s because the default name for the tagRequestParam is ’tag’ so you can use &tag to filter your results ... But I can’t tell you for sure, because currently I’m not getting Taglister to work at all, it just outputs nothing ...
        • 36592
        • 970 Posts
        Quote from: idvdv at Aug 30, 2010, 07:21 AM

        Where can I find the GET param? What does the &tagRequestParam do?

        Another snippet "tagLister" generates the link with the parameter to specify which tag to display.
        "getResourcesTag" snippet reads that parameter with GET method.
        "&tagRequestParam" specifies the parameter name generated by tagLister and read by getResourcesTag.
        ( Default is "tag". ie &tag=xxxx )