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    • 22827
    • 129 Posts
    Hello Shaun,

    I didn’t want to fill up the bug report with discussion, but I was hoping you would have the time to help me understand the issue with this bug.

    I can see that getting the thread name change from getting it directly to getting it from an array, but I don’t see what I did that caused it to become "complex".

    I am generating the threadname from longtitle, but this can’t be unusual. Is there something specific about my configuration that triggered this?



      • 28215
      • 4,149 Posts
      It seems to have something to do with it being the PK. Calling it directly, rather than from an array criteria, seems to fix the issue. I’m betting it’s an xPDO bug.
        shaun mccormick | bigcommerce mgr of software engineering, former modx co-architect | github | splittingred.com
        • 22827
        • 129 Posts
        What is a ’pk’?

        Primary key? How is this unique to me?
          • 28215
          • 4,149 Posts
          Yes, it’s Primary Key. The PK of the quipThread table is ’name’.

          It’s not unique to you; I was able to replicate it later with more testing. That’s why the ticket is now ’closed’ and there’s a new Quip version released. smiley
            shaun mccormick | bigcommerce mgr of software engineering, former modx co-architect | github | splittingred.com