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    • 14275
    • 2 Posts

    I’m having a problem with QuipReply, using QUIP 1.1.2-pl. I can’t publish any comment, the following error is returned:

    2010-10-07 08:57:12] (ERROR @ /modx/index.php) Error HY000 executing statement:
    INSERT INTO `modx5_quip_comments` (`thread`, `parent`, `author`, `body`, `createdon`, `approved`, `approvedby`, `name`, `email`, `website`, `ip`, `deleted`, `deletedby`, `resource`, `idprefix`, `existing_params`) VALUES ('blog-post-7', '0', '0', 'aaa', '2010-10-07 08:57:12', '1', '0', 'Default Admin User', '[email protected]', '', '', '0', '0', '7', 'qcom', '[]')
        [0] => HY000
        [1] => 1364
        [2] => Field 'editedon' doesn't have a default value

    In the template I use this code:
    <div class="post-comments" id="comments">[[!Quip?
        <br /><br />
           &notifyEmails=`[email protected]`

    Is this a possible bug?


    Environment information:

    MODx version: 2.03-pl, Traditional distribution
    Server OS: Windows XP Profesional SP3
    Server Version: Apache 2.2
    PHP Version: 5.3.3 VC9
    MySQL Version: 5.1.51-community
    MySQL Client: 5.0.7-dev 091210
    pdo_mysql is installed and enabled
    Browser: Firefox 3.6.10
      • 28215
      • 4,149 Posts
      Hi, we’ll need this:

      Note: If you’re posting about a bug, please state all of your Environment information in your post: Version of MODx, Traditional or Advanced distribution (for Revo), Server OS, Server Version, PHP Version, MySQL Version (client and server), is pdo_mysql installed, your Browser type and version, if you are using any opcode caching such as eAccelerator, APC, winCache, xCache, etc; any relevant errors in core/cache/logs/error.log, and any other environment data we should know. We can’t help you without that information.
        shaun mccormick | bigcommerce mgr of software engineering, former modx co-architect | github | splittingred.com
        • 14275
        • 2 Posts
        I added information about my system
          • 31906
          • 26 Posts
          I want to put this to github but don’t know how. So I’m writing it here at least.

          I’ve Quip 1.2.0 rc2.

          I also think the thing mentioned above is a bug. If I’m right it only occures when MySql is running in strict mode. Then it throws fatal error when there is no default value for columns and these columns are not "initialized" in insert.

          So fix should be add default value NULL for columns editedon, approvedon and deletedon.