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    I have in my quip options: &moderatorGroup=`Administrator`

    I noticed that normal members in a different group could also delete the comments.
    The "remove" option next to the comment was available.

    Digging a litle further, I noticed that:
    None of my member groups have a resource policy for quip in there. (under element category access), including the administrators.

    Digging a bit further in the quipthread.class.php I see this:

    switch ($permission) {
    case ’view’:
    $access = $this->xpdo->hasPermission(’quip.thread_view’);
    case ’truncate’:
    $access = $this->xpdo->hasPermission(’quip.thread_truncate’);
    case ’comment_approve’:
    $access = $this->xpdo->hasPermission(’quip.comment_approve’);
    case ’comment_remove’:
    $access = $this->xpdo->hasPermission(’quip.comment_approve’);
    case ’comment_update’:
    $access = $this->xpdo->hasPermission(’quip.comment_approve’);

    Is it correct that all these hasPermissions go to comment_approve??

    I already had to change the file earlier, because my quip comment box was being closed automatically after 14 days. Although I leaved it open until eternity.
    Database says that it’s `0` but the default options where still taken.
    As I have only one quip form on my site I commented-out the function checkifstillopen and just return true.

    Modx version: MODx Revolution 2.0.0-pl rev7212
    quip: 1.1.0 RC1
    PHP Version 5.2.10
    Server: Linux with Apache/1.3.41
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        shaun mccormick | bigcommerce mgr of software engineering, former modx co-architect | github | splittingred.com