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  • By the way, I have successfully embedded elFinder as a stand-alone popup in a formit-managed form. I don't have it saving to a TV yet (that'll be the job of the formit hook once I fully understand how Revo deals with TVs). It's actually pretty simple; I put the connector.php into a snippet in a protected resource and just made the necessary edits to paths and URLs in the connector snippet and the javascript initialization code, modified the file selection callback function to load the path into the form field and display the selected image, and I even added jquery.thumbs to pretty it all up.
    $().ready(function() {
        var elf = $('#elfinder').elfinder({
            url : 'url-to-connector-resource',  // connector URL (REQUIRED)
            getFileCallback : function(file) {
                    $( "#featured_image", window.opener.document ).val(file.url);
            resizable: false
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