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    • 27716
    • 126 Posts
    Hi Guys,

    Im using pubkit to publish documents from the frontend of my site.

    When the document is published it is always invisible (greyed out) in the site tree.

    Ive tried changing the &showinmenu variable and I have also tried with &hidemenu

    Any clues why I cant get it to publish a publickly visible doc?

    Im in Modx 1.0.0
      • 7807
      • 5 Posts
      I am having a similar problem. using the frontend of the site I would like to post Events using the demo pkevent manager. However the post will not publish with the show in menu option checked. everything else works great.

      I would like to have them published showing in a menu so that the visitors to the site can see them. any ideas on how to solve this problem. It would be very helpful.

      I am using MODX 1.0.4



        • 27716
        • 126 Posts
        I dont have a solution for this, but one thing that I discovered was...

        As you publish to a document id (eg 35)...you add and entry to the database that has the pared id (35) written to the db.

        However, as you add the entry it doesn’t turn on the isfolder option in the database of the parent document. So the parent document isn’t listed as a container in Modx. When you switch the parent to a container (try in manager), the documents often appear.

        Hope that helps.
          • 20413
          • 2,877 Posts
          Haven’t used pubkit, but are you guys doing
          &clearcache=`1` and are setting a publish/creation date
          that are _before_ the date of the web server.

          If a pub date is set afterwards MODx will wait to publish it.
            @hawproductions | http://mrhaw.com/

            Infograph: MODX Advanced Install in 7 steps:

            Recap: Portland, OR (PDX) MODX CMS Meetup, Oct 6, 2015. US Bancorp Tower
            • 7807
            • 5 Posts
            Thanks for your help.

            With the problem I have the doc. is published, however it is not publishing with this show in menu set to true. being new to modx it may be something very easy that I am missing. Event doc is set as a container, and the pkevent works as I think it is suppose to. But I would like to use it to allow members of the non-profit to post up and coming events that will be in a link using wayfinder.

            this is the site www.mysite.org. if you look at the events link it shows the events. I wont to allow users to post through the admin site, and have it show here.

            if you guys have any ideas this would be great.

            is there something that I can place in this like &showinmenu=`1` that when it publishes a doc it also checks the show in menu option?

            [!PubKit?class=`event` &folder=`217` &template=`Basic` &postid=`217` &tags=`pkEventType` &rtcontent=`pkRichContent` &formtpl=`pk.event.input.tpl`!]

              • 20413
              • 2,877 Posts
              Quote from: smcilreavy at Jan 02, 2011, 12:50 AM

              When the document is published it is always invisible (greyed out) in the site tree.
              "regular" text = visible in the menu AND published
              "grey regular" text = not visible in the menu AND published
              "grey italicized" text = NOT published (menu visibility is irrelevant.

              Quote from: smcilreavy at Jan 04, 2011, 03:10 AM

              However, as you add the entry it doesn’t turn on the isfolder option in the database of the parent document. So the parent document isn’t listed as a container in Modx. When you switch the parent to a container (try in manager), the documents often appear.
              Can pubkit create parents=folders?¿

              Quote from: Magavolt at Jan 04, 2011, 05:40 AM

              is there something that I can place in this like &showinmenu=`1` that when it publishes a doc it also checks the show in menu option?

              [!PubKit?class=`event` &folder=`217` &template=`Basic` &postid=`217` &tags=`pkEventType` &rtcontent=`pkRichContent` &formtpl=`pk.event.input.tpl`!]

              Yes -- add &showinmenu=`1` and &clearcache=`1`
                @hawproductions | http://mrhaw.com/

                Infograph: MODX Advanced Install in 7 steps:

                Recap: Portland, OR (PDX) MODX CMS Meetup, Oct 6, 2015. US Bancorp Tower
                • 7807
                • 5 Posts
                Thanks again for the help.

                I tried what you suggested with out any luck.
                Yes -- add &showinmenu=`1` and &clearcache=`1`
                The doc publishes as a "grey regular" text = not visible in the menu AND published.
                  • 20413
                  • 2,877 Posts
                  Quote from: http://www.pogwatch.com/blog/726.html#jc7cfa00bd9

                  Although showinmenu is listed with default 0, it actually does not work. I had to use hidemenu set to 1.

                  So try by also adding &hidemenu=`1` or &hidemenu=`0`
                    @hawproductions | http://mrhaw.com/

                    Infograph: MODX Advanced Install in 7 steps:

                    Recap: Portland, OR (PDX) MODX CMS Meetup, Oct 6, 2015. US Bancorp Tower
                    • 16278
                    • 928 Posts
                    The &showinmenu parameter is not quite performing as advertised, I’m afraid, because of factors connected with its heritage in pkBlog. I’ll try to fix it in the next release.

                    Meanwhile, here are two ways to get the required result in your PubKit items:

                    1) Add a hidden field to your input form setting a variable called "show" to "1"
                    <input name="show" type="hidden" value="1" />

                    2) Closer to the original way the &showinmenu parameter was designed to operate, add a checkbox to your form with a name of "show" and value from placeholder "showInMenu" (note the case). This will be initialized to "checked" if &showinmenu=`1`
                    <input type="checkbox" value="[+showInMenu+]" name="show">

                    smiley KP
                      • 7807
                      • 5 Posts
                      Thanks so much guys! Works great.

                      <input type="checkbox" value="[+showInMenu+]" name="show">

                      This is what I was looking for.

                      grin grin grin grin grin