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    I feel the solution is near, but as far I can’t figure it out:

    I need to have some webusers on my site and permit them to create pages on their own. At first it looks simple, and looks like this is what NewsManager is for. What I miss is how can I permit each user to modify/delete pages that was create by him/her, and not by anyone else?

    As far as I see NewsManager permits group of web users to deal with documents under specified folder on sitetree, but each user in the group can do whatever he/she wants to any document accessible by the group.

    This is not what I need. I think I can create multiply groups (one per user), then create multiply folders on my site, and permit each user to work only with single folder. Well this can work for me, but looks too complicated and I’ll need to maintain that manually (add user -> add group for him -> add folder -> permit group work with that folder only -> etc...)

    May there be any other way? Maybe I can patch NewsManager, but then I just don’t know how to store ownership info (in TVs? how?)

    Thank you in advance! I’m spent a lot time on that so any help will be really appreciated. Just in case: Evo 1.0.4