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    I really don’t want to ask this question, because I’m pretty certain the answer is out there already. But as I noted elsewhere, searching for "implement RTE front end" yields exactly two useless results. But I have stumbled across posts where those words are used and they did not turn up in my explicit search. Sooooooooooo ....

    Can anyone point me to an example of code which shows how to implement an RTE (e.g. TinyMCE) for the input field of a form that would otherwise be something "textarea?"

    More explicitly, I would like to take this entry from the form used by NewsEditor/Publisher
    Content:<br /><textarea name="content" cols="40" rows="8">[+content+]</textarea><br />

    and allow it to be "submitted" using TinyMCE.

    I tried assigning a RichText TV like blogContent to the template that calls this, but couldn’t get it to work. If there is an example available using that which I could be directed to, that would probably work as well.

    Sorry for the bandwidth if this is profoundly simple or self-evident to most...